MINUSCA police boss Bizimungu visits Rwandan peacekeepers
Wednesday, August 11, 2021

The Head of Police Component for the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA), Commissioner of Police Christophe Bizimungu, on Monday, August 10, visited Rwandan Formed Police Unit-One (FPU-1) and urged them to stay focused to their mission mandate.

Bizimungu, who is also Rwandan, was received at the FPU-1 base camp by the contingent commander, Chief Superintendent of Police Claude Bizimana, who briefed him on the tasks assigned, achievements as well as challenges they face.

The MINUSCA police chief was also given a guided tour of the camp facilities, operations and their readiness.  

Later, the Police Commissioner met and addressed all Police officers where he appreciated the work they do to protect the civilians and to bring about peace and security in CAR

He further urged them to maintain the discipline and professionalism by "ensuring full time command and control in order to successfully accomplish their peacekeeping duties."

Bizimungu further pledged MINUSCA support towards the success of their tour-of-duty.

Rwanda FPU-1 of 140 officers operating in the capital Bangui, is one of the three Rwandan Police contingents of a combined 460 officers, deployed in Central African Republic (CAR).

Other 29 officers serve as Police Advisors.

Rwanda FPU-1 started its peacekeeping operations in CAR in 2014, when the first contingent was deployed.

Bizimungu arrived in CAR at the end of June to take over from French national, Major General Pascal Champion, who had headed the police component for two years, having assumed the office in 2019.