Police hunting UCK student

SOUTHERN PROVINCE RUHANGO — Police in Nyamabuye sector is pursuing a student of the Catholic University of Kabgayi (UCK) for allegedly killing a 60 year old man.

Friday, April 10, 2009


RUHANGO — Police in Nyamabuye sector is pursuing a student of the Catholic University of Kabgayi (UCK) for allegedly killing a 60 year old man.

Police identified the suspect with his first name Emmanuel, a 1st year student at UCK, and the crime was committed on April 6 in Gitarama town centre.

Key eyewitnesses told Police that the student beat to death the elderly man Joseph Ndacyayisenga. They added that the suspect accused the deceased of stealing his shoes.

"The suspect has since disappeared and the hunt is on, however the body of the victim was transferred to Kabgayi hospital mortuary,” police sources said on March 10.

Police also indicate that the suspect is suspected to be hiding in Kamonyi or Kigali and are confident of netting him soon. 
