The Hater: I hate people who…

…think they can distort Rwandan history just to make a few bucks. It is good that we have got several genocide memorial sites in all parts of the country. It is therefore annoying to find people trying to play around with the very obvious truth concerning the cruel acts that most of them were even involved in by convincing a film director and shooting so called “based on a true story” movies.

Friday, April 10, 2009

…think they can distort Rwandan history just to make a few bucks.

It is good that we have got several genocide memorial sites in all parts of the country. It is therefore annoying to find people trying to play around with the very obvious truth concerning the cruel acts that most of them were even involved in by convincing a film director and shooting so called "based on a true story” movies.

To all these guys I have one message; Hollywood is a movie factory not a place to manufacture Rwandan heroes. And besides we already know our heroes. We are not looking for new ones from Hollywood.

…do not respect the remains of those died in 1994. 

Recent reports that some people in Uganda have been exhuming the bones of those who died during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi and using them for purposes of witchcraft is really stooping so low.

I believe it is supposed to be African to respect the dead. Therefore a person who chooses to exhume the remains of a person they are not even related to, ostensibly for purposes of witchcraft deserves the highest level of condemnation.

…keep downplaying the genocide as well as the achievements of Rwanda.

For almost obvious reasons, these people who are in the comfort of plush homes in France, Belgium and Canada have decided to make a career out of distorting the truth by always talking about a double genocide and even denying the facts that are there for everyone to see.

They simply do a lot of talking from miles away without even having first hand information about the happenings in Rwanda.

All they need to know is that genocide happened in Rwanda and there is so much documentation and physical evidence to prove this. Hiding in Paris, Brussels or Quebec will not change the facts.  

…pretend to work and even abandon their duties.

I am talking about those people who dress up in blue and pretend to be doing the noblest job. Do not pretend, I am talking about all those United Nations people who are posted in Africa to ‘help’ and all they do is ride around in fuel guzzling vehicles and draw huge salaries and allowances without doing much to improve the lives of those they claim to be helping.

In DR Congo we only hear of them being involved in the gold business. Here in Rwanda, all they did was pack their bags after a handful of them had been killed. 

Imagine, less than ten Belgians were killed and UN pulled out leaving 5000 people (case in point, Gahanga in Kicukiro) at the mercy of the Interahamwe militia. These are people who had no mercy but only hate in their DNA.

…still make life hard for genocide survivors.

Stories of genocide survivors being killed and threatened really make my heart bleed. These are people who experienced the worst crimes against humanity. Enduring to continue living is already a very difficult situation for them.

They have gone to great strengths to comprehend what happened, to seek the truth and to even forgive and live in harmony with those who wronged them. That is enough pain and misery for them to endure.

For all I know truth and justice will not be suppressed. We all need to support these people and show them love.  

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