Rwandan filmmaker lands top movie award in US
Monday, July 29, 2024
His film 'Igihuku' was also awarded as the best movie at Mashariki African Film festival in January 2023.

Bora Shingiro, a Rwandan film producer, on Saturday, July 27, received international acclaim for his short film "Igihuku." The film was awarded "Best Women Short" at the Independent Short Awards, an esteemed international short film festival.

The accolade, presented on Friday, July 26, celebrates films that highlight women's issues.

The Independent Short Awards, known for its red carpet screenings and engaging Q&A sessions, culminates annually in a prestigious awards event held at Regal Cinemas LA Live in Los Angeles.

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‘Igihuku’ competed against over 500 films from 27 countries through an online application process that began in May and will culminate in an awards ceremony scheduled for September 14 in Los Angeles, United States.

Reflecting on his achievement, Shingiro told The New Times that he was so surprised but again felt proud after receiving the award.

"Even though I knew that my short film had a good storyline, I never expected it to win. This victory is a significant step in my career, as it shows that my film&039;s message is reaching a broader audience," he said, describing recognition as a big win not only for himself but also for his country.

"Winning this trophy is a significant milestone for me, and I hope it is just the beginning. My journey in cinema is far from over; I have a long way to go. My dream is to reach the highest heights in cinema. This victory is not just a personal achievement; it is a source of pride for the entire country and everyone who collaborated on this project,” Shingiro explained.

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His film &039;Igihuku' is based on the journey of a girl, who prayed to God to protect her family, during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi but they were all killed in the church including her only beloved young brother. Feeling empty and betrayed, she decided to burn her mother’s rosary.

Shingiro told The New Times that he wrote this film to highlight the role religions play in healing hearts and shaping the beliefs of people today.

His film 'Igihuku' was also awarded as the best movie at Mashariki African Film festival in December 2023 and it was also premiered at the Silicon Valley African Festival, Arts organization in San Jose, California, in October 2023.

Shingiro's recognition at such a significant international platform underscores the growing influence and quality of Rwandan cinema. His achievement not only brings honor to his personal career but also shines a spotlight on the broader landscape of African filmmaking.

Bora Shingiro, a Rwandan film producer on duty during a shooting session in Kigali. Shingiro on Saturday, July 27, received international acclaim for his short film Igihuku. Courtesy
Bora Shingiro, a Rwandan film producer, on Saturday, July 27, received international acclaim for his short film Igihuku. Courtesy
His film 'Igihuku' was also awarded as the best movie at Mashariki African Film festival in January 2023
Shingiro shooting a film in Kigali.
The Independent Short Awards, known for its red carpet screenings and engaging Q&A sessions, culminates annually in a prestigious awards event held at Regal Cinemas LA Live in Los Angeles.