Returnees promise to back government programmes

Eastern province Kayonza—Returnees at Ndego and Kageyo camps in Kageyo sector have shown concern for taking part in all government programmes.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Eastern province
Kayonza—Returnees at Ndego and Kageyo camps in Kageyo sector have shown concern for taking part in all government programmes.

So recently brought back to the country, the inspired efforts are both surprising and comforting.

Fridah Mukarumongi, a returnee who is also president of cooperative societies making baskets and handicrafts said in a recent meeting that the newcomers to the country had the most to offer to Rwanda because their pride and love for the country was at a high point.

"Though we live in the forest we are happy because we know we are secure,” Mukarumongi said. "Even though we sleep in tents or outside we are sure of no disturbances.

We sleep in peace.

It is not as it was in Tanzania where we used to spend sleepless nights wandering up and down protecting our properties.”

"We appreciate everything the district of Kayonza, NGO’s and the government has rendered to us,” she said.

"Why can’t we back the government since it has backed us in the struggle?”

There are 653 families in both camps with 1882 people. Only 150 families have been resettled as others are still living in tents and simple-made houses.

The meeting in general aimed at looking for ways in which women in Rwanda could help eradicate poverty out of the country as well as start for themselves income-generating activities.

Pone resolution reached was the need for women to play a greater role in nation-wide monthly Umuganda community work.
