Congratulations Rwanda

Editor, I want to congratulate the Rwandan people on your amazing recovery from one of history’s worst and cruelest massacres. I especially want to congratulate President Paul Kagame and the other leaders of Rwanda for providing such exemplary leadership at such a critical time in Rwanda’s history. 

Friday, April 10, 2009

I want to congratulate the Rwandan people on your amazing recovery from one of history’s worst and cruelest massacres. I especially want to congratulate President Paul Kagame and the other leaders of Rwanda for providing such exemplary leadership at such a critical time in Rwanda’s history. 

While I have not been able to travel to Rwanda, I have read over 25 books on the genocide. And the interesting articles I read in The New Times supplements my reading tremendously.  

I live in California, in the United States, and I read the New Times on the internet almost every night. I am amazed at the accomplishments I read about almost daily in such a poor country. 

There are not many small countries which are constantly going forward to help all of its people in all the important areas – jobs, health care, education, and relief for those most in need. 

And all of this is being accomplished from the ashes of tragedy.
I would love to be able to visit Rwanda some day, but my reading your newspaper and the many interesting books on Rwanda keep me pretty well informed.  

I wish the  people of Rwanda all the best that life can give them.  You are an amazing people who can only go forward.  Rwanda is certainly a lesson in leadership. 

Fifteen years ago, there were the worst possible leaders in Rwanda who spread hatred and death.  It is wonderful that you now have the best possible leaders. 

It is too bad that the United States didn’t have a leader like President Obama during your difficult days.  He’s only been our president briefly, but I think he has the potential to do great things in our time to help make our world a better and more just place to live in.

There are a few genocide deniers in the United States, as well, and I give them a piece of my mind when I hear them. These are not Rwandans. 

I don’t meet any Rwandans where I live – they are ignorant Americans.  I don’t know what they are trying to accomplish except to emphasize causes they think are more important. 

That doesn’t give them the right to deny the Rwandan genocide. These people also downplay the genocide in Darfur.
My best wishes and my congratulations once again to the brave and struggling Rwandan people. 

My heart is with you. You are the best possible example for the world at large.

Michelle Anderson