Child rights should be practiced

Editor, Last week I met with a 13 year old girl, HIV positive but subjected to domestic labour by her own auntie. Though child rights are preached all over Rwanda, very few people put them in practice.

Thursday, April 09, 2009


Last week I met with a 13 year old girl, HIV positive but subjected to domestic labour by her own auntie. Though child rights are preached all over Rwanda, very few people put them in practice.

Kids especially in remote areas are victims of domestic violence, labour and some are denied the rights to go to school. Unlucky kids infected with HIV/AIDS face stigma even in Kigali!

I don’t know if its neglecting children’s rights or if they are mistreated deliberately but it’s a fact that many fragile children are mistreated yet they are still too little to stand up for their rights.

Considering that children are the future of Rwanda, parents should be trained on how to discipline their young ones without violating laws.

On the other hand children should be taught about their rights and responsibilities. This will enable them report all injustices done to them.
