Rwandans in Malawi celebrate Liberation Day
Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Rwandan community in Malawi on Friday, July 26, celebrated the 30th anniversary of their country’s liberation (Kwibohora30) in an event that attracted over 300 people, including Malawian government officials, diplomats, and civil society actors, among others.

They reflected on the 30 years that have seen Rwanda emerge from the ashes of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi and rebuild the society socioeconomically, thanks to good governance.

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Douglas Gakumba, the Charge d’Affaires in the Rwandan High Commission in Zambia with accreditation to Malawi, honoured the sacrifices of Rwanda Patriotic Army (RPA) to liberate the country from bad governance and discrimination, which led to the Genocide that claimed over one million lives.

Douglas Gakumba, Charge d'Affaires in Rwanda's High Commission in Malawi, speaks during the Liberation Day celebrations held the Malawian city of Lusaka.

The RPA liberated the country on July 4, 1994, after stopping the Genocide against the Tutsi. He stressed the significance of the liberation struggle that was led by President Paul Kagame.

"This courageous feat ushered in a new chapter of hope and revival for Rwanda. Today, Rwanda enjoys respect among the community of nations, in the region, on the continent and the world at large,” Gakumba said.

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He said Kwibohora30 provides an occasion for Rwandans to reflect on the journey of healing and transformation as they continue to develop their country.

"Kwibohora is also an important opportunity to share Rwanda’s liberation story, the journey of unity and reconciliation since 1994 and the country’s ongoing renewal and vision for a brighter future,” he noted.

"We are proud and happy to see that Rwanda today is no longer a case study for bad governance and a nation of insecurity, instead it has become a beacon of stability, good governance and a strong, growing economy.”

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Gakumba said that as the country continues to navigate different stages of the liberation journey, it continues to build and strengthen bonds and relationships with other countries and its partners.

He reiterated Rwanda’s dedication to boost its relations with Malawi, especially in the sectors of tourism, air transport, trade and investment.

ALSO READ: Kwibohora 30: Kagame&039;s Liberation Day speech

Mapopa Kaunda, the Assistant Director in Malawi’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that over the past three decades the world witnessed the emergence of Rwanda from an unjust and unfair governance system to a resilient process of liberation.

Mapopa Kaunda, the Assistant Director in Malawi’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, speaks during the ceremony held in Lusaka to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Rwanda's liberation.

"It is pleasing to note that over the years, the fruit of that process has become more visible and has placed Rwanda on the world map as one of the shining examples of resilience and transformation,” Kaunda said.

"Today, Malawi joins the people of Rwanda in commemorating the tremendous progress the country has achieved in various spheres of socio-economic development, including public sector reform and effective leadership.”

Malawi also recognises the achievements Rwanda has made in enhancing international cooperation at various levels, he said.

He reaffirmed Malawi’s commitment to working closely with the Government of Rwanda by forging strong bonds of cooperation for the mutual benefits.

Rwanda's Liberation Day is celebrated on July 4 at the national level. Thoughout the month of July, members of the Rwandan community abroad organise events to celebrate the day in their respective countries of residence.