Mother-land ( Poem)
Monday, July 05, 2021

Hey mama, I’m sorry 

For the pain that you have felt, since that fateful day 

For what your eyes had to see 

For what your ears had to hear 

And for what your hands had to touch 

I’m sorry, that I’ll never understand half it 

To face death point blank!

To live in an era of terror 

Clueless I have become 

To live every day, sure I have a tomorrow 

Despondent I have become to cherish every moment of every day 

I’m sorry, mama 

That I sometimes take life for granted 

My freedom for a lack of fate 

To miss out on the pride and joy of my country 

For that’s who you are 

For not just what you have survived 

But your consistency to choose life 

For the cruel lessons life imprinted on your soul 

Never did you stamp them on my own 

But gradually guided me to take them as my very own 

I love you, ma 

For the blows you took for me 

That you lived a life I’ll never live

Fought for my freedom 

Made the right choices to compensate for my wrong ones 

You lifted on your shoulder the burden to pay for the ultimate price 

For my eyes to never set upon the horrors of mankind.