MINIRENA validates strategic plan

The Ministry of Minerals and Natural Resources (MINIRENA) together with its partners Thursday concluded the validation of the sector’s five year strategic plan. 

Monday, April 06, 2009
Stanislas Kamanzi

The Ministry of Minerals and Natural Resources (MINIRENA) together with its partners Thursday concluded the validation of the sector’s five year strategic plan. 

Minister Stanislas Kamanzi commended the synergy created by the line institutions and other partners who enabled the sector reach its past achievements

"Among the recommendations of the 2007 joint sector review is the sector strategic plan which is to be collectively validated to dovetail the sector programmes,” Kamanzi said.

He also pointed out that assessment of past activities is important because it helps in weighing the progress towards achieving sector objectives.

He added that the exercise  also helps in identifying the strength and weaknesses of policy implementations during the past year so that appropriate recommendations and actions can be brought on board.

In an interview with the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry, Caroline Kayonga, she underscored the need for responsible and effective management of natural resources if the sector strategic plan is to achieve its targets.

"We are operating within the frameworks of long term goals like EDPRS and Vision 2020 but all these can only be achieved if we properly manage the natural resources through environmental mainstreaming, effective land usage and planning, among others,”Kayonga said.

She further pointed out that among other priorities to be undertaken in the 2009-2013 strategic plan include development of the mining sector, promotion of forest conservation, rehabilitating and conserving of the available eco-systems and carrying out legal and policy formulations.

"We need more forests and conservation of other natural resources but we also need to devise innovative and sustainable methods of reaching our goals,” Mrs Kayonga said, adding that they have been weak in water conservation but promised to step up efforts since currently it’s among their priority sectors.

"We are involved in strengthening the linkage in the sector so that capacity can be fully developed. Everything will progressively fall in place afterwards.”  

Achievements registered by the sector include increased environmental awareness, embarking on proper land planning and tenure reform, licensing and management of Nyungwe buffer zones.  In the five year strategic plan, there are eight programmes which include priority strategies such as sustainable land management, sustainable integrated water resource management, sustainable management of forests and biomass resources, among others.
