Meet pro-RPF Rubavu farmer who religiously 'accompanied' Kagame on the campaign trail
Friday, July 26, 2024
Olivier Niyongabo says this was a personal tribute to repay back the sacrifices President Kagame and RPF-Inkotanyi made to move the country from where it was.

The recently concluded Presidential and Parliamentary elections had some extraordinary stories of people who went out of their way to show their support, particularly for the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF-Inkotanyi) candidate and eventual winner, Paul Kagame.

From people, who travelled in thousands from different countries to be on the campaign trail and later to vote, to others, who went to campaign sites several hours before just to get a vantage point to view their candidate the next day, there was much more to this year’s general election than just what the eye could see.

However, Olivier Niyomugabo’s effort is one that really got many people to applaud his extraordinary level of determination and support, travelling to campaign events in nearly all 30 districts of the country to express his support for Kagame.

The 27-year-old farmer from Rugerero sector, Rubavu district, went out of his way to crisscross the country, reaching about 28 districts across the country, attending 18 Presidential campaign rallies and 10 parliamentary campaign rallies for the RPF-Inkotanyi coalition candidates.

It was not an easy task, in some cases, Niyomugabo had to walk kilometres and kilometres to get to his next destination, while he spent his own resources to ensure that he achieves his goal – which was campaigning for President Kagame in all corners of the country.

"It was a personal commitment I made to do something that will pay back the sacrifices President Kagame and RPF-Inkotanyi made to move the country from where it was, after the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi to where it is today,”

"They were young, but they took on insurmountable challenges to liberate the country. I wanted to do something extraordinary to show my support and love to him, which was to campaign for him in all corners of the country, with my own means,” Niyomugabo told The New Times.

The New Times | Flickr

Initially, Niyomugabo thought President-elect Kagame would be in all 30 districts, but when some districts were combined to come down to 18 campaign sites countrywide, Niyomugabo drafted in Parliamentary campaigns at the district level.

"In between Presidential campaigns and breaks, I would attend rallies at the district level and then make sure the next evening I am at the next location where the RPF Chairman would be,” says Niyomugabo.

Those who attended RPF campaign rallies were familiar with Niyomugabo, often standing at strategic locations with a ribbon-decorated placard with reasons why he was supporting President Kagame.

Outside the 18 RPF campaign sites, Niyomugabo attended RPF campaign rallies at the district level, in Rulindo, Rwamagana, Nyabihu, Rutsiro, Karongi, Kirehe, Gasabo, Kamonyi and Gatsibo, to complete his mission.

It was a tedious journey, littered with travel and logistical challenges, but like a pilgrim, Niyomugabo was determined, braving long and difficult journeys, hunger and limited sleep, but it was all worth the effort.

"I had my placard showing his name and the achievements we have registered under him – good roads, one cow per family, healthcare for all and many others. In some places, I walked from one place to another and to different sites, so that people can see the message,” says Niyomugabo.

In most cases, Niyomugabo would arrive at sites in the evening when the campaign is scheduled for the next day and he would spend the night with people setting up the venue, ready for the next day.

In other places he would use public transport to arrive at his next destination, using his own money. A few days in, many people, including security, had figured out what Niyomugabo’s mission was, and they started welcoming him and support him.

"Sometimes I would arrive at the next site at 9pm in the evening and people would welcome me, even offer me a place to rest or spend the night with me as we waited for the RPF candidate,”

"Early in the morning we would be at the site dancing and what really made me happy was that people really turned out in their numbers and we supported our candidate. The excitement was unreal,”

"I did this with my own resources, nobody sent me or gave me money. It was a personal commitment,” he explains.

"For me it was a dream come true. I saw it with my own eyes, I saw people coming in the night to sleep on sites, waiting for President Kagame,”

"On the last site, in Gahanga, a woman who had an infant on her back, joined us in the night and said she couldn’t wait for tomorrow and wanted to sleep at the site. She had come prepared with everything to spend a night there,” recalls Niyomugabo.

ALSO READ: Kagame in Gahanga: Rwanda’s unity is a political phenomenon

Above everything, Niyomugabo is happy that his candidate won with a landslide, pointing out that President Kagame winning with 99.18 per cent affirmed his choice and now he can head back to work.

"When the provisional results came in, I was satisfied that our efforts paid off, our candidate won by a landslide and that was expected. Even those who don’t want to acknowledge it know. His achievements speak for themselves,” he says.

ALSO READ: Kagame secures 99 in partial results poised for landslide win

For Niyomugabo, who says he is still working hard to make a breakthrough in what he does, what is more important is to have a country where you can pursue your dreams in peace, with an assurance for tomorrow.

Before going into livestock rearing and trade, the Rubavu native had ventured into the mining business in Rutsiro district but it didn’t pick but he is confident that over the next five years, he will be able achieve his personal development goals but that is after securing a future with a successful vote.

The thirst and hunger, the valleys and the mountains he had to overcome as well as sleepless nights and long journeys only strengthened Niyomugabo’s commitment to do even more.

As he waits for the President-elect to officially swear-in, Niyomugabo says that crisscrossing to support his candidate is one of the most fulfilling decisions he has ever made and he will continue to do so when duty calls.