Court sentences Jean-Claude Iyamuremye to 25 years for Genocide crimes
Wednesday, June 30, 2021

The High Court Special Chamber for International and Transnational Crimes has convicted Jean-Claude Iyamuremye of Genocide and sentenced him to imprisonment of 25 years.

The 46-year-old was being accused of having been a leader of the Interahamwe militia in Kicukiro during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, in addition to being an influential member of the former ruling party, Mouvement révolutionnaire national pour développement (MRND).

He was extradited from the Netherlands in 2016, and since then he has been in courts of law, facing charges including genocide, complicity to genocide, conspiracy to commit genocide, murder and extermination as crimes against humanity.

Back in the Netherlands where he had lived for 14 years, he is understood to have worked as a taxi driver for the embassies of Israel and Finland before he was arrested and sent to Rwanda.

He was extradited together with Jean-Baptiste Mugimba, another man suspected to have had a role in the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.