Don’t resign to sin, Jesus Christ is your saviour

A person’s thinking is developed from what they ingest from the environment. This could be from conversations with others, advice, learning and entertainment material and the general social ways of living. Children growing up are always protected from viewing or listening to obscene or negative material that may influence their way of thinking.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

A person’s thinking is developed from what they ingest from the environment. This could be from conversations with others, advice, learning and entertainment material and the general social ways of living.

Children growing up are always protected from viewing or listening to obscene or negative material that may influence their way of thinking.

However, this is becoming almost impossible as society becomes more and more liberal. Also financial constraints that are forcing parents to be away for many hours at work don’t help matters.

What society may not realise is that as much as adults have command over what they listen to or watch, they do not really use this right to protect their minds from moral corruption.

Every other young adult is trying to imitate the secular way of life from the media which can be indecent at times. I attribute the high rate of violence and sexual misconduct in our society to the film industry.

It is unfortunate that the influence knows no age limits. For example the under 16 restriction on movies is not effective since it is rarely respected and some of the movies aired are not fit even for adults.

Domestic wrangles and contagious habits like smoking and drinking are on the increase not to mention careless behaviour and conversations carried out in the presence of children and young adults. Remember, the youth are the leaders of tomorrow, so what are we feeding them on?

Apart from complaining on the current moral decay, I would like to prescribe a remedy. Let us admit it; the law though helpful requires enforcement, therefore is not enough in upholding morality.

Seeing how difficult it was to adhere to the law, God in his abundant grace gave humanity a ransom for sin. He sacrificed his son Jesus Christ so that whoever believes and makes a covenant with Him shall be cleansed by his blood (refer to Romans 6:23 and Ephesians 2:8, 9).

If you are a prisoner of sin or find it hard to stick to your own principles or the social norms, you have an option. Jesus is currently knocking at the door of your heart and if you allow him in he will help you make the right choices and stick to them by the power of his Holy Spirit (Revelation 3:20).

He wisely pointed out in Mark 2:17 that he did not come to save the righteous but those who admitted they were sinners.