Traders to get better storage facilities for their goods

EASTERN PROVINCE Gatsibo—Traders using the route through Mirama hill to Kagitumba can breathe a sigh of relief after new storage facilities have been installed, protecting valuable goods.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Gatsibo—Traders using the route through Mirama hill to Kagitumba can breathe a sigh of relief after new storage facilities have been installed, protecting valuable goods.

Previously traders were in danger of having their goods damaged due to poor storage facilities at the border.

Today, though, a big warehouse is near completion and will be in position to house those goods that are left behind pending clearance.

The same building consists of two main Magerwa offices that previously were lacking at the border post.

A cashier at Magerwa office at Kagitumba, Nepal Museni Karumugabo, says that the recent development will help traders to find their goods in perfect condition after they are cleared.

"Though we have been keeping these goods in a container, this warehouse will be a big improvement and of much help to traders at this side of the boarder” said Karumugabo.

Karumugabo also said that there were plans of renovating the existing shacks that have been accommodating goods and wanted to concentrate the area around the new warehouse for better handling.

At Mirama hill, on the Uganda side of the border, measures have been taken to give the place a fresher look as the shanty wooden structures have been demolished and renovations of the existing buildings were said to be underway.

Kagitumba border is the second busiest point of entry into Rwanda after the Katuna border crossing.