EDITORIAL: We cannot observe Covid safety measures selectively
Monday, June 21, 2021

Rwanda is facing a potential third wave of Covid-19 having managed to subdue the virus some time. New daily confirmed cases over the last one week or so have consistently been in hundreds, with the capital Kigali among the hotspots. 

Amid the resurgence in new confirmed cases, the government has recently moved to prevent the situation from getting out of hand, even putting some areas that were experiencing spikes in community infections under tougher restrictions.

It also stepped up enforcement of prevention guidelines across the board, in an effort to push back against complacency, largely blamed for the latest surge in new infections.

With the virus wreaking havoc globally for more than a year and a half, emotional fatigue and complacency have become pandemics in themselves, resulting in breaches or loose observance of guidelines.

This has driven infections and new deadly waves across the world.

One area where the government of Rwanda has recently sought to boost compliance is to avoid what has been dubbed as ‘3 Cs’ (crowded places, close-contact settings, and confined and enclosed spaces).

The WHO says infected persons in such places could easily become super spreaders of the virus, since it is hard to observe social distancing or allow for sufficient ventilation in case of enclosed spaces. In light of this, the government has been urging the public to steer clear of these crowded or poorly ventilated places, or to spend less time in those settings if they must be there.

Considering the recent trend of new infections in the country, it is critical that members of the public take this public health advice seriously.

Now, the Cabinet on Monday held an extraordinary meeting with Covid high on the agenda and it was expected that it would take more stringent measures to help contain the situation, including travel curbs.

Obviously, it is a difficult situation for everyone, but Rwandans have generally been cooperative and are known to be responsive to public health measures. Indeed, this is not the time to let our guard down. Observing all Covid-19 measures will determine how soon we get out of this public health nightmare and embark on rebuilding the economy. We have no luxury to pick and choose from the guidelines. All the measures complement each other and are all vitally important in this fight.

The ball is in the public’s court.