Wear clothes that fit

Have you ever been seated in a taxi, minding your business when suddenly you turned around to be given a full view of a butt crack? Well I have and have probably displayed mine a number of times. This is one of the results of wearing clothes that do not fit.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Have you ever been seated in a taxi, minding your business when suddenly you turned around to be given a full view of a butt crack? Well I have and have probably displayed mine a number of times. This is one of the results of wearing clothes that do not fit.

A lot of women to day believe that they can wear anything as long as it looks good. But they forget that that skirt or shirt might look good on the hanger but might not necessarily look good on you. It might be a tad too big or too small although it’s usually the latter.

Most women will force themselves into any cloth no matter how small as long as it takes their fancy. I’ve heard many of my female friends say, "It will stretch” and this is pretty much every woman’s excuse for buying ill fitting attire.

But the bad news is if it actually does stretch then it won’t look so good for long, it starts to look worn out after you have worn it twice.

And even worse you probably won’t look so good in it. Wearing clothes that are tight make you look heavier. And we all don’t want that.

There is nothing worse than have the perfect blouse but the wrong body. One that high lights your most unflattering features like the ever so common love handles, or layers and layers of extra fat.

Or breast that look like they are being held against their will and would do anything to split open that blouse and are probably way on their way to doing that.

And what makes it even more painful is that you paid for it knowing full well it didn’t fit properly. You might convince yourself that you could lose weight but that blouse might have moulds eating through it by then.

And for the slim girl who’s thinking this has nothing to do with her then she ought to think again. Many of these girls have been victims of this.

Either they bulge over their too-tight jeans or they look malnourished. I’m sure both results are not flattering for anyone. But as hard as this might be for most of us ladies, we need to re-think our priorities.

Would you rather force yourself into this beautiful dress which will probably tear by the end of the evening or would rather wear another dress that’s well fitting and comfortable? Or one that you will feel totally comfortable in and show cases your most favorable assets.

I hope I do not sound crazy when I say I would choose the latter. If it does not fit perfectly or accentuate your fine features then walk away from it, do not look back or try to make any excuses to buy it. It will be a total waste, one that will cost you a lot more than money.
