Lessons from the pandemic: Cancer is cancer
Saturday, June 19, 2021

BCIEA has launched a new inclusive initiative and adopts "TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER” as the buzzword to empower and motivate those impacted by cancer to want to be part of this group.

BCIEA Cancer survivors' support group (BCIEACSSG) has replaced Breast Cancer Survivors Support Group (BCSSG) effective June 15, 2021.

Having cancer is the most stressful and challenging experience in a person’s life.

Support Groups help many people cope with emotional aspects of cancer by providing a free-of-charge, safe place to share and work out through feelings and challenges, learning from each other among people who have gone through similar experiences.

Yes, cancer is cancer, what differentiates cancers is where cancer decides to lodge itself and that gives it its name at the time of diagnosis, hence Breast, Cervical, Lung, Brain, Prostate and other Cancers. 

After a cancer diagnosis, you feel isolated, anxious about your new circumstances and no one else understands what you are going through emotionally or physically. 

You, yourself may not even know how to express your feelings to your family or friends. You may have questions about your treatment, side effects and coping with changes and wonder if your life will ever be the same again.

A support group is a safe place for relieving feelings of isolation, loneliness and anxiety and finding answers and resources for emotional and practical problems.

Meeting and interacting with others who have gone through similar experience enable you to learn from them and gain coping skills that improve your quality of life. 

The value of human interaction, particularly for cancer patients, cannot be underestimated, in fact some patients cling to the once a week meeting with their cancer navigator to stay alive, anticipation of this meeting removes anxiety and stress and gives the patient something to live for, even if it is short-lived. 

A Cancer Support Group is a place you feel safe and comfortable about sharing or just simply listening to experiences and advice. 

You discover that although doctors and the medical care team do their part in your treatment, they are limited in understanding what it really feels like to undergo cancer treatment or even offer practical solutions to practical difficulties of daily life of a cancer patient----only those who have gone through the experience can.

A Cancer Survivor Support Group offers valuable knowledge and experience shared by like minds. The emotional connectivity, comfort and support for each other builds trust and confidence. 

Members share and check information they have heard from others and the fact that invited guests with expertise, guide discussions, a lot of learning and fact checking take place. Members feel less alone, more hopeful as they are free to talk about their fears, feelings and they experience some sense of normalcy.

A cancer support group is a healthy place where members can get practical help such as coping with side effects, lymphedema, overcoming changing body image and sexual/intimacy challenges that come with cancer. 

Getting tips on dealing with cancer challenges in daily life reduces stress and alleviates concerns when you listen to others who have already dealt with similar issues. 

The support group does not only rely on its inputs and outputs from survivors' experiences shared; it is efficiently supported by volunteer professionals dedicated to the whole health and wellness spectrum to ensure excellence and success.  

For example, volunteer professional practitioner will provide psychosocial support and guidance, diet and nutrition ideas and tips by a dietician and a wellness coach will provide lifestyle guidance. 

Activities will be planned will choice and flexibility in consideration of the needs of the cancer survivors. Cancer Care Givers will have option to participate in any pertinent activities.

BCIEA CANCER SURVIVORS SUPPORT GROUP Strives to provide support and services to people impacted by cancer at no cost to them. This include, but not limited: