A day in a life of....: Of an up coming artist

“I am an up coming artist and am fighting hard to reach the expected heights in music,” Elion Victory confidently said and shares with us how he does it throughout the day. I wake up at 7a.m, have breakfast, organize myself and go to Kilulu 9 music Studios in Nyamirambo.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

"I am an up coming artist and am fighting hard to reach the expected heights in music,” Elion Victory confidently said and shares with us how he does it throughout the day. 

I wake up at 7a.m, have breakfast, organize myself and go to Kilulu 9 music Studios in Nyamirambo.

By 8p.m I am already in the studios because I stay in Nyamirambo too.

I practice my music in that studio with the help of some seniors in the field. I go on until mid-day when I decide to go and have a meal.

By 1p.m, I make sure I am back in the studios. This is the time when I am more occupied, because I take advantage of those who come to record their music. I make sure I grab more techniques from those I believe are better than me.

By 5p.m, I go back home, bathe, change to evening wear and move to a Cinema hall. I make sure that by 8p.m I am back, prepare supper and by 9 it’s ready.

After having supper, I practice for an hour, do some washing if I have some clothes which are not clean. I do not forget to listen to my music and other artists’ music in order to get a difference which I believe can have a great impact on my music.

I normally go to bed at 10p.m
