Editorial: Never again

Next week we shall commence the fifteenth commemoration of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. This is a week when we ponder the loss we suffered as a nation. It’s also a time when our resolve against the genocide ideology should be further strengthened.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Next week we shall commence the fifteenth commemoration of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. This is a week when we ponder the loss we suffered as a nation. It’s also a time when our resolve against the genocide ideology should be further strengthened.

At SundayMag, we join the rest of the nation in saying, ‘NEVER AGAIN’ to genocide. As we all go through this period, let’s reflect on our lives and what we want the future for our country and offsprings to be.

Let’s celebrate the fruits of the reconciliation process and the sancity of human life as evidenced with the survivors. Someone recently said that the greatest victory is the fact that there are survivors in Rwanda.

Many have painstakingly managed to rise up and take on life. We have heard testimonies of survivors reconciling with perpetrators, we have seen some holding hands like in the days of yore.

Women whose husbands are in jail for participating in the genocide are working hand in hand with those whose husbands were killed. It’s amazing seeing how they laugh and joke about life, a united community.

This is the new Rwanda. A Rwanda that has to live with its bad history but which will not be tied to it. A Rwanda working towards progress and a fully liberated people. We should also not forget that we still have many who were made vulnerable as a result of the genocide.

Some are still traumatised, others have emotional and physical wounds that have not yet healed. What we can do as a nation is to support them in their healing process and to re-assure them that the Never Again resolve is real.

At SundayMag we say let’s put this year’s theme "Remembering the genocide against the Tutsi and fighting its denial and negation while constructing our country”, into practice.
