PHOTOS: Muvumba multipurpose dam under construction
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Aerial view of the ongoing construction activities of Muvumba Multipurpose dam on Muvumba River that is set to be completed in 2026. Courtesy

The construction of Muvumba River multipurpose dam is underway.

Financed by the African Development Bank (AFDB), the €121.5 million dam will stand at 39 meters high and have a storage capacity of 55 million cubic meters.

ALSO READ: Stalled construction of Muvumba dam to begin in 2023

The dam is designed to meet various needs, including domestic water supply and irrigation for a net command area of 9,640 hectares, covering the sectors of Tabagwe, Gatunda, Karama, Rukomo, Nyagatare, Rwempasha, Musheri, and Rwimiyaga.

The facility will supply 50,000 cubic metres per day for domestic use, livestock watering, and electricity generation, according to Rwanda Water Resources Board. It is expected to curb floods that were triggered by Muvumba River.

The Muvumba Dam project, whose design began in 2015, is expected to be completed by 2026, according to officials.

A 236-kilometre buffer zone will also be established and planted with bamboo trees to protect Muvumba Multipurpose Dam, according to Pamela Ruzigana, the Catchment Restoration and Erosion Control Division Manager at Rwanda Water Resources Board.

The activities will focus on various landscape restoration interventions, including the creation of 352 hectares of radical terraces and 2,340 hectares of progressive terraces.

Additionally, 239 hectares will be designated for afforestation, while 1,537 hectares will be dedicated to agroforestry.

"Schools will be provided with plastic tanks and improved cooking stoves, and cooperatives for mushroom production and tree nurseries will be established,” she said.

The dam construction will be completed by 2027
Camp site for the staff, that has been set as Muvumba Multipurpose dam construction works begin
Aerial view of the ongoing construction works for Muvumba Multipurpose dam in Nyagatare District.
Design the €121.5 million dam under construction in Nyagatare
Financed by the African Development Bank (AFDB), the €121.5 million dam will stand 39 meters tall
It is designed to meet various needs, including domestic water supply and irrigation for a net command area of 9,640 hectares
Landscape restoration interventions on Muvumba dam buffer zone, including the creation of 352 hectares of radical terraces and 2,340 hectares of progressive terraces
Levelling activities started at the end of 2023 to pave way for the dam construction
About 10,000 ha will be irrigated by the dam
Aerial view of the construction works. The dam will stand 39 meters tall and have a storage capacity of 55 million cubic meters