Luxurious living: Do you spend to impress?
Thursday, May 27, 2021

Conspicuous consumption is not a myth. This term specifically denotes the act of buying many things, more so expensive items, in order to impress even when they are not necessary to one’s life.

It can be tempting to build your entire life around what other people think. And now with social media, letting society influence the kind of life to live comes easy.

What your peers think of you, how they spend or choose to live their lives can subtly influence how you live as well.

Solange Kaneza, a fashion designer, admits that many of us are guilty of this kind of life. 

The way someone else spends their money can make you feel like you should be doing the same thing, too. After all, most people still want to fit in. Photos/Net

Whether we know it or don’t, believe it or live in denial, we all at some point live this kind of life. The clothes we buy or the places we go to are mostly because we want to impress and show our friends that we have it all, she says.

She, however, notes that life would be so much easier if people would mind their own lives. "There wouldn’t be any pressure to look a certain away, and we would all be living our lives. But sadly this is not the case.”

Alex Hirwa, an IT specialist suggests that every one of us wants to fit in society. No one wants to be the odd man out, so we struggle and do everything in our power to be like others even when this means that we have to spend a fortune.

He says, spending lots of money on material possessions and current trends might feel great in the present, but how about the future? "Chances are that you will run broke and you will have to struggle in old age.”

He, therefore, believes that hard as it might be, people should try to teach themselves to live life without concerns of what others think. 

"People don’t care anyway, and in the true sense of it, you actually have nothing to prove. Choose to live the life you want and more importantly, one you can afford,” he adds.

Holly Johnson, a writer, highlights that when it comes to money, not caring what other people think can actually make you rich. Think how much more money you would have if you didn’t feel compelled to buy brand-name clothes, get the latest tech device, or if you had chosen your home based only on your family’s actual needs.

Now imagine how much more cash you would have if you quit worrying about how much money you look like you have, and focused that attention on what was in your bank account—if you took every ounce of energy you spent trying to look rich, and used it to become rich instead, she notes.

"When you stop caring what other people think, that’s exactly what can happen. When you focus your attention on improving your life in tangible ways instead of superficial ones, you might find that the stars align in your favour. When you stop worrying about others, you can spend less on your wardrobe and wear clothes that are actually comfortable. You can spend your free time doing the things you love, and you can spend your money in ways that help you reach your long-term goals. In other words, you can put your needs and your family’s needs first — which is exactly where they should be.”

Nina Kagisha, a university student, notes that life is a journey not a race, if only people could embrace this, life would be so much easier. 

"I have seen friends get into debt in order to get a dress or a pair of shoes they saw on Instagram. Everyone is fighting for attention, they want to be better and so they spend.”

Kagisha says she has nothing against those who want to live a flashy life as long as they can afford it. "But if it costs you an arm and leg, I suggest you reconsider.”