Tips to adjust to a new work environment
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Adjusting to a new job requires embracing change. / Net photo.

Probably you scooped your dream job; you’re excited and can’t wait to start working. Once you step at the new company, you have no doubt that it is your lucky moment to impress that hiring you was the best decision the employer made.

You jump on the new role with passion; however, disappointment kicks in as everything doesn’t seem as expected. Maybe you’re experiencing challenges already, either with the company or your new colleagues.

Things don’t always happen as anticipated in most cases. For the job to transition well, experts say that you must be flexible, ready to take on new challenges and able to adjust to a new working environment. This is how;

Ask questions

For Sophia Mukabaranga, a business personnel in Kigali, you can’t know how things operate in the new workplace, and that it’s risky to remain silent yet you need assistance.

She says, never be afraid to ask questions whether to your immediate manager or colleagues to ensure that you’re aware of what you should do. It also hinders future errors.

"Some of the questions to ask are; who will be my immediate supervisor, is there any equipment that can help me accomplish my work? What are my daily vital tasks? What does the company do about team building? What are the main means of communication? What are the objects of every week or month, and so forth,” she says.

Embrace change

According to Mukabaranga, changes are always inevitable at a new workplace, and those who embrace change can open up new opportunities for themselves. This requires you to be open-minded, flexible, and most importantly, stay focused.  

She says that accepting change allows you to gain experiences that can transform your life either or both professionally and personally. ‘With change, you learn new things, master new skills, and develop new qualities like flexibility, confidence, courage, and persistence.’

Open up to new experience

Mukabaranga stresses that joining a new company means that you’re entering a new situation, which is an indicator that things will be done differently. You shouldn’t stay with the old way of doing things, rather, embrace the opportunity to adopt new approaches or ask to help out on a new project at work.

Get to know people

Don’t just sit at your desk all day, bother to know your co-workers, it can be as simple as participating in staff celebrations. You don’t need to go to every department introducing yourself, but during lunch breaks or if you run into any of them, its kind to do the introduction and if necessary, tell them your position too, she adds.

She says, eventually, you will develop new friendships, which can keep you used of the new environment easily.

Be a team player

When work is divided up among members of a team, it gets done faster, making the overall business operate more efficiently. According to Indeed Career Guide, Team players understand that their team’s success is their own success, and they share responsibility when their team experiences difficulties along the way.

"As a team player, embrace collaboration, be accountable, flexible, have a positive attitude, and commit to your team.”

Time management

Experts advise that when you start a job, you often won’t know how long tasks will take, which is why it’s crucial to apply the principles of time management, for instance, by setting priorities, keeping a to-do list, tracking progress toward your goals, and being aware of how much time you’re bestowing to various duties.

Set new goals

Indeed Career Guide states that setting a new goal can help to renew your purpose and give you the clarity of focus. It can bring a new mind-set shift that directs your energy and propels you forward. Instead of worrying about the change, you can focus on the actions that will move you towards your goal. This can have a powerful impact on your energy and state of mind.