Social workers urged to spearhead unity

NORTHERN PROVINCE GICUMBI — Social workers countrywide  have been called upon to spearhead the unity of Rwandans. The call was made on Tuesday in a conference held at Byumba Polytechnic Institute (IPB), which brought together participants drawn from IPB students, district and religious leaders.

Thursday, April 02, 2009


GICUMBI — Social workers countrywide  have been called upon to spearhead the unity of Rwandans. The call was made on Tuesday in a conference held at Byumba Polytechnic Institute (IPB), which brought together participants drawn from IPB students, district and religious leaders.

Addressing participants, the Vice Rector of (IPB) Jean de Dieu Habumugisha, called on attendees to apply lessons learned to cement love, humility and forgiveness among the Rwandan communities.

‘As we approach the 15th genocide commemoration period, it is important that all Rwandans come together as united people to heal souls broken by the 1994  genocide’, said Habumugisha. 

One of the lecturers at the Institute Balthazar Hategekimana made a presentation to participants on the role of Social workers in society.

‘Social science is aimed at eradicating all forms of social evils in society and finding a remedy to problems encountered by people in all aspects of life’, said Hategekimana. He  termed these roles as ‘curative aspects of a social worker’. 

Hategekimana further said that social workers are crusaders of change who are meant to guarantee harmony and peace in society , a role he termed as a ‘preventive aspect of a social worker’.
