NEWS: Better customer care to increase GDP–Report

The study focused on hospitality in the country A study by Institute of Policy Analyst and Research [(PAR), a research authority in Rwanda has revealed that improved customer care could see Rwanda earn millions of dollars in revenue.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

The study focused on hospitality in the country

A study by Institute of Policy Analyst and Research [(PAR), a research authority in Rwanda has revealed that improved customer care could see Rwanda earn millions of dollars in revenue.

The study disclosed that after rectification of the enormous customer care needs it could, "increase Rwanda’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by as much as $40m (Rwf20bn) per annum by 2012.”

The study focused on hospitality in the country revealed that the state of customer care in Rwanda is ‘poor.’

The study revealed that, more than a third of the report’s respondents complained of not being helped and not being attended to while another third complained of slowness. Almost a fifth complained of rudeness.

Following the release of the research, a ten man steering committee was named at Rwanda Development Board (RDB) premises at Gishushu, to front for an aggressive customer care campaign across the country.

Clare Akamanzi, the Head of the team in an interview with The New Times revealed that they have prepared a customer care strategy ready for implementation across the country.

"On the part of the steering committee, we will oversee the implementation of two key areas including a national customer care campaign to change the mindset and create awareness as well as consciousness,” she said.

”We have started and will build momentum. Secondly we shall implement training on good customer care, especially training the trainers,” she added.

Akamanzi said that, "we admit that there are challenges beyond awareness such as skills or ability to provide sophisticated services like electronic payments etc. For skills, we have a plan to train people that can train others.”

Akamanzi said that they will use every avenue to better the customer care situation in the country.
