Dream bosses
Thursday, May 06, 2021

Recent Labour Day celebrations had me thinking not about dream jobs but dream bosses because you can land your dream job only to watch it quickly turn into a nightmare if yours happens to be one of those bosses from Hell.

Personally, I’d choose a good boss over a good job, mostly because I don’t handle stress very well and don’t think I’d survive under a horrible boss. We spend plenty of time at work so if you don’t get along with your boss, or panic every time he or she calls, that’s a problem.

I’ve never understood why some people feel the need to hit tables or raise their voices sometimes over minor issues. Poor pay, physical and verbal abuse, firing staff during meetings all cause unnecessary distress. I even read about one in Nigeria who stripped employees for misappropriating funds!

I’ve not had the opportunity to manage other people so I don’t know how challenging bossing others is, but I do know that I wouldn’t want to be the kind of person who sends subordinates ducking and scattering the second they see me coming down the corridor.

I like that some horrible bosses are named and shamed for the sake of those who may want to join certain organisations.

Forewarned, forearmed, you know! I wish great bosses who mentor and support their staff rather than terrorise them were lauded more. I also have this thing where I kind of think I can judge a good boss by their demeanour or tone.

For instance, no one can convince me that Jack Ma or Bill Gates are bad bosses. Too bad I’m not tech-savvy because I’d give anything to work with them in any capacity. And you know who else I’d love to work for? Oprah. Her hearty laugh alone points to an amazing boss. I can’t imagine her being rude or mean to members of her TV Crew or make up team.

If any of you know of some other good bosses or are good bosses yourselves, spread the word because in this time of immense layoffs and pay cuts, we need all the positivity we can get.