2024 elections reinforced Rwanda’s image as beacon of peace, unity, progress – political party’s forum
Saturday, July 20, 2024
The forum's spokesperson, Abbas Mukama speaks at a meeting on Thursday, June 13, in Kigali. Dan Gatsinzi

The just concluded presidential and parliamentary elections were marked by a remarkable display of enthusiasm, unity, and peaceful participation among Rwandans, it was highlighted during a press conference by the National Consultative Forum of Political Organizations (NFPO) on July 19.

During the news conference, Abbas Mukama, the NFPO spokesperson, said that the elections highlighted a growing sense of unity and patriotism among Rwandans, the excitement and dedication of voters, young and old, proved that Rwandans care deeply about their country's future.

ALSO READ: Observers: Rwanda had peaceful, diligently managed polls

"The enthusiasm and dedication displayed by voters of all ages, from first-time voters to the elderly, demonstrated a strong national commitment to the democratic process. This election has shown that Rwandans are deeply invested in their country&039;s future, working together across generations to ensure a fair and peaceful election,” he said.

"This sense of unity and patriotism, is a testament to the progress Rwanda has made and the collective desire to continue on this path of development and good governance.”

By and large, the Rwanda Civil Society Platform (RCSP) which deployed 290 election observers countrywide for the elections also noted some irregularities but commended the fact that elections were conducted in a safe environment, and polling stations were established in hospitals to facilitate voting for patients, caregivers, medical staff, and other essential service providers, among others.

The high voter turnout and the excitement during the voting and campaigning process were positive signs for Rwanda's electoral system Mukama emphasized, noting that on election day, people began arriving at polling stations as early as 5 a.m., eager to cast their votes.

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"The long lines and early arrivals on election day showed how eager Rwandans were to participate in the elections and contribute to the country's development. Even though some people wanted to start voting earlier than the law allows, they patiently waited for the legal time. This patience demonstrates the peace and unity among Rwandans."

Mukama also reflected on a joint statement made by international observers that commended the elections for their peacefulness.

"Even the international election observers were taken aback by the presidential elections. Many initially believed that the lavish decoration of polling stations was funded by the government, only to be surprised when they discovered that it was actually the work of citizens pooling their own money,” he said.

"This not only enhanced the country's image but also led observers to describe Rwandan elections as having their own unique flair, noting that they were the most peaceful and exciting elections they had ever witnessed. This has sparked a desire among others to participate in Rwandan elections, positively influencing the country's overall image.”

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Mukama also addressed critics questioning the legitimacy of the results and the electoral process as a whole.

"To those doubting the validity of the results and the integrity of the electoral process, I say that the overwhelming citizen engagement, the spirited campaign efforts, and the clear expression of public support speak volumes. These factors collectively affirm that the election was conducted with transparency and genuine enthusiasm, reflecting the true will of the people.”

"Reflecting on the citizens' appeals for His Excellency to run for another term, the election results highlighted their sincere intentions, the enthusiastic turnout at campaign events, the inventive decorations, and the visible joy all clearly demonstrated that Rwandans were profoundly excited about his return, as indicated by the results," said Mukama, who also discussed the financial planning required for political parties during elections.

"Each political party, including those in coalitions, must have its financial plan, sourced from members or through bank loans and when a party secures five per cent of the total votes, it receives financial support to cover election expenses,” he explained.

Rwanda now returns to mission of national development

The exact amount for this election cycle is yet to be determined, though previously it was Rwf100,000,000.

"With the elections almost concluded, Rwanda now returns to its mission of national development. The world will continue to marvel at our success, and we are confident that the unity and dedication displayed during the elections will propel Rwanda to greater heights,” he said.

"The 2024 general elections have not only strengthened Rwanda's democratic fabric but have also reinforced the nation's image as a beacon of peace, unity, and progress.”