Mwitende steps up to diversify his message in music
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Singer Alexandre Mwitende, a.k.a Lenco. / File photo.

WHEN HE LAUNCHED his music career, Alexandre Mwitende, a musician with visual impairment had devoted himself to making love songs. Lately though, he has declared his intentions to diversify his musical message, to tackle more issues affecting society.

Though he has been doing music almost all of his life - mainly working as an instrumentalist, it was only in 2019 that Mwitende aka Lenco, 44, embarked on the daring journey of becoming a recording artiste.

So far, he has recorded four songs, three of which are love songs.

However, his fourth and most recent song, "Uri inde,” carries a different message: the importance of humility in society.

Released last week, the song, according to Mwitende opens a new door to his music journey, as he sets his eyes on singing about various issues that affect people, besides love.

"The message in this song is different from those I did at first, since I was focused more on love songs. However, my fans asked me to release songs with another message, and so, I made this song,” he said.

"It (the song) warns people against being proud. It speaks to all classes of people, calling upon them to be humble, since God is above everything,” he added.

He says he wants people to know that he can make music with various messages, though he will not entirely leave singing about love.

"I have the capacity to make songs with various messages. I will be making songs, and give messages depending on the time and situation in which we are,” he said.

In the next few months, he expects to release a new song, still with a different message.

Mwitende became blind at the age of five, due to natural conditions. A few years later, he joined a musical school in Gatagara, where his talent for music was discovered and the teachers helped him to nurture it.

Besides being a recording artiste, he plays a bevy of musical instruments, and has been steadily doing music as a trainer, and a musician - generally doing covers of other artistes’ songs.