Kigali shines

Editor, I must admit Rwanda does not cease to amaze me every time I arrive in Kigali from my country Kenya. Rwanda has stood out as a beacon of what good urban planning, cleanliness and security can achieve.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I must admit Rwanda does not cease to amaze me every time I arrive in Kigali from my country Kenya. Rwanda has stood out as a beacon of what good urban planning, cleanliness and security can achieve.

The first time I arrived in Rwanda two years ago I was sweetly surprised that polythene wrappings that are responsible for eyesore litter in most African urban areas are illegal in Rwanda.

The use of the bio degradable packaging is not only good for keeping the cities clean but also for nature. I also noticed that Kigali is the cleanest and greenest city I have been to despite my numerous travels within Africa.

Roads are smooth and devoid of traffic jams, making it easy to keep appointments. But the best thing is that people can walk along these roads anytime day and night without fear of insecurity.

However, a few pot holes have recently appeared in some roads and must get immediate attention to prevent further deterioration.

This good work will be rewarded when more people find Rwanda a suitable location for business and a destination of choice for tourism

William Ouso