Rwanda Bureau of Standards (RBS) will today clampdown on dodgy traders with weighing scales that do not meet proper standards. This strategy is aimed at dealing with those traders who tamper with weighing scales to cheat customers.
Rwanda Bureau of Standards (RBS) will today clampdown on dodgy traders with weighing scales that do not meet proper standards. This strategy is aimed at dealing with those traders who tamper with weighing scales to cheat customers.
Chantal Rukeba, the Public Relations Officer in RBS, yesterday revealed that the operation will begin in the Kigali suburbs of Kicukiro and Remera but will spread country-wide.
"We gave the traders a month to get rid of the adjustable scales and purchase RBS approved scales. It is now time for us to inspect if they implemented what we requested. Any scale that does not have an RBS stamp will be impounded,” Rukeba told The New Times in a phone interview.
She added that after the confiscation procedure, traders can purchase the new scale from between Rwf 65,000 and 75,000 depending on the type. On purchase, traders are also given a certificate from RBS.
Rukeba however said that traders can also call the institution’s toll free line, 3250 for more details about the exercise.
RBS is responsible for regulating and controlling standards, quality assurance and metrology in the country.
For purposes of providing a strong linkage to the international standardisation system, RBS has now got laboratories for testing volumes, temperature, electricity and dimensions among others.