Ways to overcome fear of change at work
Tuesday, April 06, 2021
Accepting your fears is the first step to overcoming them. / Net photo.

They always say change is inevitable. However, much as this is true, it never makes it any easier for most people when it comes to embracing change.

People fear change for a variety of reasons; with work however, this can entail fear of failure or even success, while for others, it’s the fear of the unknown that’s paralyzing.

Career professionals however note that fearing change in the workplace can constrain our ability to grow or even limit our chances to become new and better in our field of work.

It’s therefore necessary to make a conscious effort to overcome this form of fear. Here is how;

Be dynamic 

One of the best way of beating the fear of change is becoming part of change. This requires that you develop an attitude of expectancy. In fact, it is recommended that instead of viewing change as a threat, see it as an opportunity. Develop an active mindset where by you take initiative in taking part in something new at work without being told to. It’s this positive attitude that will help you beat this fear.

Replace your fears with positivity

Author Ban Weston writes that fear can come from creating negative thoughts and scenarios in your head about what the future holds. How you describe the change to yourself? What you see to be the negative aspects of the change? What impact does it have on you and your life? The moment you become fearful and have negative thoughts, stop them in their tracks and turn them into something positive. Ask yourself questions. In the past when I handled change really well what did I do? How did I handle it? What actions did I take that really worked for me? How did I deal with the change in my communication with others? How did I manage my mental health? Which personal attributes did I use to turn things into positive? Was I patient? rational? 

Admit your fears

Rather than staying in denial, it’s important that you accept your fears. This is the first step to overcoming them. You also need to be willing to address it, this means, you have to be flexible in doing whatever it takes to be bold. Accept to take on new assignments, however challenging they might seem, and also make effort to be engaged actively by for example focusing your energy on developing new behaviors.

Find support

When faced with fear at work, it’s ideal that you look for support from your peers or bosses at work. First and foremost, let them help you pinpoint what is causing your fears and what it is that you are scared of exactly. You shouldn’t feel awkward about this because it is normal to go through this. Be open to reach out to others, opening up will help you find a platform to share your experiences.