Professional practices to adopt at work
Tuesday, April 06, 2021
It is ideal to always establish your intentions for the rest of the day. / Net photo.

Being effective at work requires a certain degree of organisation and committedness. This calls for certain skill-sets such as being excellent with time management, how much effort you put into learning new skills or remaining updated with current career trends.

Succeeding at work hence takes effort but most importantly, it requires one to have discipline. Adopting certain practices can be helpful in achieving this. Here are some of them;

List down your priorities

All these affect how you work with others and your career, in fact, making minor changes can improve one’s productivity, job satisfaction and overall standing with colleagues.

This tool is essential for your organisation, helping you to stay focused on what is important and urgent. The ideal method is to sort the list by priority, updating it at the end of the day, crossing out what has already been accomplished.

This is one of the major habits that guarantee the efficiency and productivity of our tasks. The list should always be with us, on a tablet or on a handwritten notebook.

Set goals

It is ideal to always establish your intentions for the rest of the day. When you set down your goals, remember to make them measurable, establish a periodicity for measuring them and promote commitments with your team, always celebrating with it the successes achieved.

Invest in self-knowledge

One of the aspects that contribute to the happiness of successful people is their sense of gratitude and recognition of the positive things in their lives.

For this reason, it’s vital to reflect, be thankful and enjoy small pleasures: a walk at lunch time, a coffee with a friend who you haven’t seen for some time or playing with your children in the evening.

Develop workshops and networking

One of the practices of most successful people is scheduling weekly meetings with mentors or business partners to share experiences, achievements, difficulties and discuss new project strategies.

To be a successful professional, there is a need for constantly creating the habit of building new bridges and forging collaborations by participating in networking events, where they make their business known, and by working occasionally in co-working spaces.

These spaces are increasingly used by managers and successful entrepreneurs, not only for the flexibility and low cost associated with them, but also for the opportunities that they have to connect with professionals from several areas in a collaborative environment.

Learn how to listen

There’s a big difference between truly listening to someone and simply waiting to talk. Most people tend to do the latter when they’re pretending to do the former, but if you make the effort to hear, process and respond thoughtfully, your colleagues will take notice.

Solve problems

No matter what field you’re in, knowing how to solve problems is useful. It shows your capabilities and willingness to play on a team. Showing those traits early can be beneficial.