Good Friday: What does the day mean to you?
Thursday, April 01, 2021

Today, Christians all over the world are commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.  Good Friday is the day when Christians focus on Jesus Christ’s death—a day observed before Easter Sunday (when Christ resurrected from the dead). Many Christians around the world observe the day as they commemorate the passion and suffering of Jesus on the cross. Weekender’s Donah Mbabazi had a chat with a number of people on what this day means to them.

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Irene Mizero, Founder - Mizero Care Organisation

As a believer, I praise the Lord by recognising the death of Jesus Christ for our sins. Through him I am saved, born again and became a child of God. (John .12) Like the singer, I am so glad He lives in my life. Good Friday means redemption, it is when Jesus died for our sins, and He rose on Easter. (Matthew 27.45-65). Normally, we celebrate Easter at church, still recognising the work done by Jesus on the cross at a place called Golgotha. He paid a high price of his blood to save us, to save humanity from sin and brought us to God to serve Him in His ministry. Surely He took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. (Isaiah 53.4)

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Patience Rusaro- Social media influencer 

This is a big day celebrated as Christians remember how God saved His people. Because I am a Christian, I believe in the word of God, and I believe in the crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Because of this, I celebrate the death of my Lord Jesus who died because of our sins, and I also remember to be humble and ask for the forgiveness of my sins.

Mathew Kagabo, Inventory officer

For me, this day means to reroute my soul from all the sins I have done. It is an opportunity for me to reflect and cleanse myself of all the sins I have committed. It’s like a rebirth from my sinful nature. Good Friday is a day of sadness and great joy at the same time because it’s when our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified and died on the cross. But as Christians we stand to celebrate because three days later he rose from the dead.

Scovia Karungi, Administrator 

This is a day we remember Jesus Christ’s death. He was led to Calvary, and in His death, He bore all of our sins on the cross. Because of this historical event, death no longer has a hold on us. Jesus was the perfect sacrifice and through Him, our sins were and can still be forgiven.

Rose Kyomugisha, Businesswoman 

I am a Christian and observe with reverence the days that lead to Easter. As Christians, when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour, He washes away our sins and restores our relationship with God. The crucifixion and death of Jesus took on the sins of the world and set us believers free from sin and death.