Who are you on an ordinary day?

Anyone can put on his or her best behaviour for a teacher parent or a coach. Anyone can freshen up for an important interview or a first date. There are chance meetings that find us unaware, unprepared and off guard.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Anyone can put on his or her best behaviour for a teacher parent or a coach. Anyone can freshen up for an important interview or a first date. There are chance meetings that find us unaware, unprepared and off guard.

A story is told of a young musician who sung in a certain small town. Every day he would wake up, dress up, walk to the town centre and sing.

Since the musician went to the town daily expecting nothing. He only prepared for greatness each day he stood at the city centre to sing.

One day a producer walked by and was impressed by the musician’s dedication in his work. The musician obviously was not making much money but he was committed to his work.

The producer took him up and helped him make better music. If people saw you on an ordinary day, would they be impressed? Would they see something different about you?

I don’t know about you, but I’ve gotten pretty good at impressing the "important people” in my life. But who am I on an ordinary day? Whether at school or at home? This is a question we need to ask ourselves.

We need to always be prepared like this musician for chance encounters. Be ready for chances that might come into your life in an instance.

So anytime you get out of home whether to school or to town, be prepared for those chance meetings because greatness might find you unprepared.
