Born in a little village in Mutara, I Germaine believe I will become a doctor like the pretty woman who treated me when I had malaria. She seemed so nice and friendly, smiling at me and asking me where I felt pain.
Born in a little village in Mutara, I Germaine believe I will become a doctor like the pretty woman who treated me when I had malaria.
She seemed so nice and friendly, smiling at me and asking me where I felt pain. She seemed to know where I felt pain before I told her. She actually knows everything.
People in the village considered her a goddess, even mama mukuru goes to her whenever she feels the slightest discomfort but usually it’s nothing.
Most people call her Muganga but I know that is not her real name because the doctor before was called that. However she is so much nicer than the former Muganga.
I asked Muaganga what her name was yesterday and she told me it was Anita Mutesi. It sounds so nice. I want to be like Anita Mutesi. She’s clean and smells so nice.
What I like most of all is that she knows a lot of stuff that papa does not. I do not think all the men in the village put together are cleverer than her.
Papa listens to everything she says and all the men are so polite and respectful towards her.
I told Mama Mukuru that I want to be like Mutesi and she said only boys become doctors. She said girls are supposed to do the work around the house and look after their families like mama does.
But I said Mutesi was a woman and yet she is a doctor. Mama Mukuru had no answer to that but scolded me for not being able to cook and sew.
Today I asked Mutesi if I can be like her and she told me I can be anything I wanted to be. I am so excited because she promised to teach me how to read and write. She says after that I can easily be like her. I believe her.