BK CEO Meets Miss Rwanda 2021 Contestants
Friday, March 19, 2021

A day before the grand finale, all 20 finalists competing for the Miss Rwanda 2021 on Friday, March 19, paid a visit to the Bank of Kigali headquarters during which they met the bank’s Chief Executive, Dr Diane Karusisi.

Bank of Kigali is one of the partners of Miss Rwanda 2021 and will support a contestant with the most innovative project.

The bank is working closely with the pageant organizers and a team of the bank’s management has been following each of the contestants during their project presentations while at the boot camp following the bank’s commitment to offer the finalist with the most innovative project various benefits, including annual allowances of Rwf6 million.

Dr. Diane Karusisi, Chief Executive of the Bank of Kigali briefed 20 contestants of Miss Rwanda 2021 about BK's operations & why they chose to support Miss Rwanda 2021. / Dan Nsengiyumva

The contestant will also get both technical and financial support from the bank to successfully implement her project. While briefing the finalists, Dr. Karusisi said that she was impressed by the projects that this year’s contestants are bringing on board during the boot camp at La Palisse Hotel, Nyamata, saying that they can attract attention from not only BK but also any other banking institution.

"Many of these contestants have ideas which they can turn into businesses and work with the bank to generate profits, create jobs and hence have an impact on the country’s development. From this, we, as Bank of Kigali realized that we share the same vision with the Miss Rwanda organization and decided to partner with them,” Dr. Karusisi said after briefing the contestants.

"The bank is always keen to work with people who have innovations in business through which we can contribute together to national development,” she added.

The Bank’s CEO said that a number of projects pitched by contestants tackle the needs of the community and create products and services that can not only bring solutions to people’s needs but also generate profits for them and the business community at large.

"We hope that some of their projects will become income-generating businesses and we are committed to support them. We have a programme through which we support young entrepreneurs with innovative projects where we give them interest-free loans so that they can grow their businesses,” she said.

During the visit, contestants asked questions to better understand how the bank works, what drives a project to become a success and how the bank works with those who have innovative projects.

The winner of Miss Rwanda 2021 will be announced on Saturday, March 20 at Intare Conference Arena.