Alternative jobs for Harry and Meghan
Thursday, March 18, 2021

Consider this a sequel to my ‘Royal Pains’ from last week, though it won’t be coming to a movie theatre near you because I don’t have the resources, but I’m sure some Hollywood Execs are on it! I’m still mad on Meghan and Harry’s behalf though. How are they getting so much heat when some other people with more questionable pasts and characters get less flak? They weren’t just cut off but also made to pay for repairs on a home they would have lived in if they hadn’t been subjected to such hostility. It’s unfair! I assumed that the couple would have enough money between them to not have to work a day in their life, but Harry hinted at financial struggles over the last couple of months, with them having to rely on his inheritance from his late mum to pay for their security and stuff. That, and the fact that both are too young to retire but also, they don’t strike me as lazy bottoms who’d just put their feet up for the rest of their lives even if they could afford to. Harry served in the army and has worked with a couple of charities, like his wife who was a struggling actress at one point. So I know they’re not afraid to get their hands dirty. They can also look at this separation from the other royals as a trial run and indeed ‘opportunity’ because already, the Monarchy is not as relevant as it used to be and who knows if the establishment won’t even be obsolete in 10 or so years? The Duke and Duchess should take heart for while royal doors may have closed, many more windows are in fact already opening. So what line of work or kinds of jobs should the couple consider?

I think they should follow that much talked about interview with a tell-all book. Guaranteed New York Times bestseller right there.

Or they could become fulltime content creators. I know they already signed a deal with Netflix but they can also launch their own YouTube channel. The views would be out of this world and they wouldn’t even need to post click bait content. Haters and fans would click just to see what they’re up to and what their daily routine is like. Or they could try the influencer or brand ambassador thing.

They kind of already are so they might as well cash in on those brand endorsements, or even better, launch their own clothing, beauty, wellness and related products. Pretty much anything Meghan or their son Archie wears sells out in no time so this would be a fruitful venture. I also see them thriving as life coaches/motivational speakers. If opposites attract, Harry and Meghan actually have a lot in common. Some good, some sad. Their parents divorced when both were still young and both have openly talked about their struggle with mental health, so who better to support others going through the same?

And how about the Sussexes as fitness instructors? They look fit and whatever they’re doing must be working. They can start with their many celebrity friends and later open to the general public. Restaurants are back in business around the world and they could try that too. For those who don’t know, Meghan was cooking some yummy chicken when Harry proposed. Clearly, she’s a woman of many talents. Potential names for the restaurant which I think would be overbooked at all times? Harry’s Kitchen, MeghaBites, MeghaEats or Meghexcellent. That last one is cheesy but should they fancy the others, they can pay me in kind, with free meals for the rest of my life. I doubt they need my advice though and probably have more adept career advisors on payroll!