Ways to foster belonging at the workplace
Tuesday, March 09, 2021
Social bonds are a step forward to fostering belonging. / Net photo.

There is nothing as frustrating as being isolated, physically and emotionally, at work. At one point, everyone deserves a sense of belonging at work; it can even be as simple as a social connection, when such a need isn’t met, it can actually cause one to feel broken or disappointed.

Research by Belonging Barometer shows that employees who have a sense of belonging in the workplace are 3.5 times more likely to contribute to their full potential. When you scale that feeling of belonging to an entire organisation, it’s also good for business. High belonging has been shown to increase job performance by 56 per cent.

Google conducted a two-year study to find out what constitutes a successful team, and the one component is "psychological safety”. That comes from the knowledge that employees can take risks without feeling insecure or embarrassed if they don’t pan out.

Studies show that feeling a sense of belonging in the workplace leads to more than just good vibes and friendships. Belonging is what allows employees to feel like they can be their authentic selves without fear of different treatment or punishment—and it has a major impact on performance and retention.

Here are some of steps to ensure belonging;

Create social bonds

Fraterne Manishimwe, an entrepreneur in Musanze, says social bonds are a step forward to fostering belonging, and this can be possible through structuring teams. For instance, by bringing them together to solve specific problems outside their day-to-day work. Also, offices ought to be designed to create opportunities for social interactions.

"As a business leader, organise events once in a while away from work where employees can have a drink and connect. Sometimes work can be stressful, and some employees don’t get time or chance to connect with others, especially in different departments,” he says.

Respect and care

Manishimwe says that workers who are respected and cared for gain control over their work. Employees should be given a chance to be themselves at work and there is no harm in recognising them when they succeed, but also encouraging them when they fail. This creates a sense of belonging.

Appreciate contributions

Manishimwe explains that employees want to know how they are doing, and recognising this yields success. Recognition helps employees see that their company values them and their contributions to the success of their team and the company.

Employee recognition helps to retain top talent, increase employee engagement and encourage high performance.

Encourage openness and honesty

"Who wouldn’t feel a sense of belonging when given a chance to express themselves?” Being able to express your thoughts and opinions at work creates an open and honest environment where employees won’t be afraid to challenge the existing state of affairs. Speaking one’s mind doesn’t only motivate them, it can also boost novel ideas,” Manishimwe says.  

Encourage one-on-one interaction

Manishimwe says even a 10-minute direct conversation held virtually can build a stronger relationship and increase the strength of a person’s allegiance to the values and mission of the company and, the work itself.

Center on purpose

Bringing people together starts with giving them a common purpose. Survey your team as a leader or manager and discover their values, and see how to position them with your company’s values. Then communicate those values and make sure that the work has purpose, meaning and recognition. That’s what matters, Manishimwe says.