Polling stations in Kigali City ready for elections day
Sunday, July 14, 2024
Inside a voting room of Muhozi village, Kinyaga Cell in Bumbogo Sector in Gasabo District ahead of the presidential and parliamentary elections on Monday, July 15. Courtesy

By Sunday evening, July 14, polling stations across Kigali City were finalising preparations for the July 15 presidential and parliamentary elections. It is the country’s first synchronised elections.

ALSO READ: Rwanda Elections: Voting to begin at 7AM on Monday

When The New Times visited various stations, the readiness was evident as final touches were being put in place, ensuring a smooth voting process in just a few hours for Rwandans within the country to cast their votes in their respective sites.

At Groupe Scolaire Sainte Famille polling station in Muhima Sector, Nyarugenge, all polling booths for three sites; Ubumwe, Kabasengerezi and Rugenge villages had already been decorated inside classrooms, signalling a state of readiness for the voters.

Similarly, at Groupe Scolaire APACOPE in the same sector, voting booths and rooms were fully set up with necessary voting equipment, including secret wooden voting places, with decorations underway in some remaining rooms.

In Gasabo, Groupe Scolaire Kacyiru II polling station in Kibazi sector was also prepared, awaiting only the arrival of voting materials.

The National Electoral Commission (NEC) had already dispatched ballot papers, voter lists, and electoral ink to districts nationwide since Friday, July 12, with these materials expected to reach the polling stations by Sunday evening.

Returning Officers confirmed to The New Times that all preparations were complete, ensuring that Rwandans in the country could cast their votes without any hitches on July 15.

Pacific Gashirabake, Returning Officer at Groupe Scolaire Sainte Famille polling station in Muhima Sector, Nyarugenge in Kigali City, said everything is ready.

Each room is decorated uniquely based on village preferences, but the standard setup includes five tables for NEC volunteers with respective voting materials and two secret wooden voting places for presidential and parliamentary candidates.

"We have everything required and are escorted by security forces to ensure transparency and smooth voting. We call upon voters to come early to exercise their votes so they can return to their respective work,” he said.

Gashirabake added that a team of four people is available to intervene in case of emergencies or for those needing special care.

ALSO READ: Braille ballot papers, sign language interpreters ready for election day – NEC

Polling stations in the country will open at 7AM and voting will be closed at 3PM, according to NEC.

Meanwhile, Rwandans in major diaspora hubs worldwide have already exercised their voting rights on July 14.

Some polling rooms at Saint Rita polling Station in Bumbogo Sector, Muhozi Village in Gasabo District.
Inside a polling station at GS Camp Kanombe in Mukoni Village, Kamashashi Cell, Nyarugunga Sector, Kicukiro District
Inside a voting room at Saint Rita polling station in Muhozi village, Kinyaga Cell in Bumbogo Sector in Gasabo District ahead of the presidential and parliamentary elections. Courtesy.