Rubavu residents assured of security as polls begin
Sunday, July 14, 2024

Local authorities in Rubavu District have guaranteed residents a secure environment as presidential and parliamentary polls kick off on Monday, July 15 in the country.

ALSO READ: Prohibited activities in polling rooms

In an interview with The New Times, Emmanuel Blaise Harerimana, the Executive Secretary of the Rubavu Sector, emphasised that tight security measures are in place to ensure a peaceful voting process for the residents.

"Our population is ‘Intavogerwa’; we are not worried about their security during polls, but we recommend they understand that all polls need to be held safely given the region’s proximity to neighboring DR Congo. Everyone should remain vigilant and share information where necessary because our neighbors accommodate the country’s enemy,” he said.

Harerimana said various approaches were implemented to mobilise the population, including meetings in churches, public places, and WhatsApp groups, to remind people to prepare and adhere to the voting timetable.

A visit to polling centers in the Gisenyi and Rubavu sectors revealed final preparations for the polls. At the ESIG (Ecole Secondaire Islamique de Gisenyi) polling center in Amahoro Cell, Gisenyi Sector, Chantal Mutirangwa, the Head of Umunezero Village, oversaw arrangements for the anticipated 6,469 voters from five villages.

"Preparations are complete; we are doing more cleaning outside and decorating, ready for tomorrow&039;s polls. Our population is ready, just waiting for voting time," she said.

ALSO: Polling sites in Eastern province ready for voters

Similarly, at the Buhaza polling center, located on the outskirts of Rubavu town and bordering DR Congo, preparations were 95 percent complete. The center is expected to receive approximately 3,337 voters, with 29 dedicated volunteers ready to assist during the voting process.