PHOTOS: Polling sites in Eastern province ready for voters
Sunday, July 14, 2024
Workers setting up the polling station

As Rwandans in the country prepare to vote in the presidential and parliamentary elections on Monday, July 15, polling sites in the Eastern Province are fully equipped and ready for the elections.

All necessary materials are in place and election officials have been trained and ready to assist voters, the atmosphere is one of anticipation and excitement, according to polling site coordinators.

In Kabarondo Sector, Kayonza District, Vestine Akimana, the polling site coordinator of Kabarondo B, along with over 34 volunteers said everything was in order for the general elections.

"We have eight rooms that will be capable of accommodating over 7,070 voters registered at our site, and we have five braille ballot papers for those with visual impairments. In case we have a voter who doesn't know how to use braille, we will use a child under 18 to assist the voter. All rooms are set and ready to be used for tomorrow's elections," said Akimana.

Faustin Bigenimana is the coordinator for the polling site in Rwinkwavu Sector. His team is ensuring that all materials are in place and that all staff are fully briefed on how to assist voters for the big day ahead.

"Over 3,000 voters will use this site for their chance to cast their ballots and have their voices heard," Bigenimana said.

"The final touches are being made to ensure a smooth and successful election process in the Rwinkwavu Sector. We have received all the necessary equipment from the sector offices. We look forward to conducting a transparent process and making sure that every voter is able to participate in the democratic process without any obstacles or issues. We established two booths in our six rooms, one for presidential elections and another for parliamentary elections. As you can see, we are ready." He said.

The community has been enthusiastic and eager to participate, with many taking the time to educate themselves on the candidates and their platforms.

"I am ready to vote tomorrow early in the morning. I verified everything I needed, including checking my credentials on the voter list, and chose who to vote for after hearing candidates tell us their agendas. Everyone is eager about the election, and we will wait until the final hour of vote counting," said Kagibwami, a resident in Nyamirama Sector.

According to Frank Kayiranga Rwigamba, the National Electoral Commission coordinator in the Eastern Province, "There are 619 polling stations checked for road accessibility, electricity availability, and necessary facilities like latrines and accessibility for people with disabilities. The voting list in the Eastern Province has over 2 million voters, with close to 400,000 new voters aged 18."

A view of a decorated roomsat Kabarondo Kabarondo polling station
Derived from BK Arena, residents of Gacaca decorated a voting booth with the name Gacaca Arena
Inside one of the voting rooms decorated with fruits in Rwinkwavu, Kayonza ahead of Monday's elections. Photos by Emmanuel Nkangura
Vestine Akimana, the polling site coordinator of Kabarondo B, along with over 34 volunteers who are setting up conducive rooms for the presidential and parliamentary elections scheduled for July 15.