A journey to a meaningful life

It is sad that many people who love God and have a genuine desire to live the abundant life, live far below that. I should know because I was one of them.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

It is sad that many people who love God and have a genuine desire to live the abundant life, live far below that. I should know because I was one of them.

You can be saved and on your way to heaven but not really enjoying the journey there, not living in the realm of surpassing victory everyday, and not enjoying everything that Jesus died to give you.

You can be a covenant woman or man and still a stranger to your covenant. This happens when we know that we are brought into the new covenant by the blood of Jesus but we don’t grasp our rights and privileges as children of God. This is especially true in the area of finances.

The enemy of our souls has fought hard to keep us in bondage in this area because he knows how dangerous the Holy ghost filled believer is with money in his hand. Money in the hands of a committed believer is money with a mission.

Child of God many times we look for answers from those who have none. Answers for problems in our nations, communities, families, relationships, health and even our finances.

I know many of you are fed up with the no-solution solution, the world has offered in the area of your finances, fed up of carrying heavy burden of debts that the world system yokes with.

Brethren when you give your life to God that’s when you learn His way. Remember that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Matthew 11:29-30.

In this world, there is the world’s system and there’s God’s system, there’s the world’s economy and then, there’s God’s economy. To get wealthy in the world, you can do any of the following three things:

1. You can work really hard all your life to save money at the expense of losing other important areas such as your family and health.

2. You can steal

3. You can borrow money with interest to accomplish your goals.

The world’s system works to keep you in some sort of bondage at all times and you find you carry a heavy yoke of stress and anxiety.

 The word of God says, "the blessing of the Lord maketh rich and addeth no sorrow” Proverbs 10:22… That means that God’s way is completely good, perfect, it adds no sorrow.

God’s economy is based on seed time and harvest. Genesis says, "when earth remains, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night shall not cease ". So, what exactly is the seed?

The seed is your tithe, your first fruit or your offering. The tithe is the tenth and it belongs to God. It is robbery to keep it to yourself. Malachi 3:8-9.

God wants to cancel our debts, meet our needs so that we have plenty more in store. God wants us to leave in the overflow, not in lack and insufficiency.

He certainly came to deliver us from poverty. Psalms 35: 27, declares, ".......let the Lord be magnified, who takes pleasure in the prosperity of His servants ".

Just like any loving parent, it gives God joy and pleasure to see us prosper. He doesn’t enjoy seeing us barely. Getting- by, he wants us to have the kingdom.

The church needs money to preach the gospel, because even though the gospel itself is free, the means of reaching people isn’t. So we must become conquerors in this area for our own good, but more so for the kingdom.

Therefore, if we begin sowing our seed, God has promised to rebuke the devourer on our behalf. Malachi 3:11, the devourer is the enemy that attacks our finances to ensure that we are in a perpetual cycle of lack.

Many people have the devourer on their finances without knowing it, and they can never understand why they just can’t get out of the vicious cycle.

The key to break forth from that is your seed, because when you sow, the spiritual law comes into effect then you must reap a harvest.

I love the ways of God because they are indeed higher than our ways. Isaiah 55:8-9.

The world tells us that to succeed, we must look right, talk right, come from the right family, go to the right schools, have the right friends, marry the right person and follow many other rules.

But with God, it is "whosoever will......” It doesn’t matter if you are black or white, old or young, it dosen’t matter who you are, if you do what God says, it will work for you because it is a law, it is established.

So, brethren, are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Are you tired of being broke, busted and disgusted? Are you tired of living so far away from your dreams?

God’s ways are simple, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist, you just have to be obedient and the best part is, they work. I hope I have been able to share vividly the word that God has placed on my heart.

Child of God, I know what I am talking about, not because i read a book, or heard a preacher teach, but because I have gone through this and God’s way has worked for me. And if it can work for me, it can work for anybody, for He is not a respecter of persons.

Covenant women and men, i pray that you will rise up and take back all that the enemy has tried to steal so that the God’s kingdom can come in your life.
God bless you.
