If only we all spoke one language

Communication is just the key to any kind of relationship. Be it between a man and a woman, a mother and child, a boss and an employee or even between God and man. Communication is probably the one skill which made us distinct amongst the animals. Along with our ability to think, it has brought progress in the world.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Communication is just the key to any kind of relationship. Be it between a man and a woman, a mother and child, a boss and an employee or even between God and man.

Communication is probably the one skill which made us distinct amongst the animals. Along with our ability to think, it has brought progress in the world.

Since we are born with superb inbuilt tools for communication, we often think we are born with good communication skills too. Wonder why? Just because we have been doing it all our life!

It is true that from childhood you have been given verbal and non verbal inexplicit instructions on how to behave and talk to people. In spite of this, how many of us interrupt while others speak?

On the other hand, how many of us can confidently say we are good in handling interruption? We have been taught to speak to people rather than speak with them.

In my experiments this week, I discovered that these values are passed on from one generation to another. With good communication, anyone can get away with almost anything.

My very good friend offered to buy me lunch at Aimys food joint opposite UTC building on Monday. Considering the date of the month and the status of my pocket I wished in my heart that would continue for the whole week.

Rice, beef, and peas were my dish that day. As we engaged in serious talk and as I concentrated more on my food I noticed a green caterpillar in my peas.

Not trying to raise any alarm, we called the manager. It is funny how he managed to apologize and convince us how after all the worm would not be harmful at all.

He offered us some green soup which he told us was legumes soup which I still did not mange to eat. Green pees, green caterpillar, and green soup? That combination added up to caterpillar soup which apparently was very sweet according to my friend.

Normally I would have really wanted to make a big deal out of it but he communicated to us so well and confidently welcomed us back again.

No one including the ones in the next table knew what had happened and we sat and enjoyed watching everyone partake of the caterpillar soup.

For example, while we are talking to others, seldom do we stop and ask ourselves what is it that I am trying to communicate? There is no definite goal for most of our conversations.

From our childhood, we are taught that those who can talk faster are usually sharper than others. Am I suggesting that every time you talk, stop and think of all the words? Of course not!!!!

Whenever you are expressing a thought to someone, it is a good idea if you have an overall picture of what you are trying to convey? If you have picture or a sound in mind that you want to convey, it will be much easier to achieve your goal.

To start practicing good communication skills, start using this principle today! This is not applicable just for people; every business also should train its employees on business communication skills so they can be represented in an appropriate manner in the market place. 

On Tuesday I went to a vegetables kiosk at night in Kacyiru. The shopkeeper could only converse in Kinyarwanda. No English, no Kiswahili and no French (not like French would have made a difference anyway).

Lucky enough everything I needed was displayed so it was just a matter of pointing and speaking in my mother tongue (kikuyu) which she has some similarities and she understood better.

As I was leaving the shop, she tried to explain to me something about the ten eggs I had bought but after five minutes of struggle I decided to tell her that it was ok. I am comfortable with my size and that I was not taking all the eggs at ago.

I went home thinking what exactly she was asking but I rested my case, after all I got my eggs. How I wish I cared much early in the morning when I realised that I had 10 boiled eggs after having cut my onions and spices ready for my omelette.

Don’t ask what happened to the eggs or me but am sure I didn’t have a very good stomach the whole day.
Remember, it is not just the words that do the job; it’s a lot of other things too!!!!
