We don’t have any more time to waste - Liberal Party President

The President of the Liberal Party (PL), Protais Mitali, has told party members that there is no more time to waste. He said this yesterday at the opening of a two-day meeting of PL National Council members at Alpha Palace Hotel.

Sunday, March 29, 2009
Protais Mitali.

The President of the Liberal Party (PL), Protais Mitali, has told party members that there is no more time to waste. He said this yesterday at the opening of a two-day meeting of PL National Council members at Alpha Palace Hotel.

Mitali urged party members to be more active in fighting corruption and on going killings of genocide survivors that have claimed seven people this week. He also advised the participants to have a clear role in the upcoming commemoration of genocide against Tutsi.

"Our party lost a lot of members during the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi. We should therefore be in the forefront of commemorating genocide and helping the survivors,” Mitali underscored. 

Speaking to The Sunday Times, Mitali said that his party, like others, is still facing financial barriers in their operations. He, however, insisted that his party is among the strong parties in the country.

"Our party is in the first division. We have to work hard to strengthen our values in the community,” Mitali said.

He cautioned his party members to work hard as they prepare for the 2010 presidential campaign. He asked them to prepare early for the campaigns and build all the party’s institutions from the grass roots.

"It’s too early to tell if I will be a contender in the 2010 presidential campaign, it’s for the party to decide. Why not? We can have the candidate when the time comes,” Mitali said.

PL will have to amend their status to adapt to the amended organic law that governs political parties in the country and adopt the national policy of establishing women and youth institutions in the party.

Participants included PL’s national council made up of party representatives from the districts, provinces and Kigali city.
