Umuganda has earned Rwanda international acclaim - Kagame

NYARUGENGE - President Paul Kagame yesterday revealed that the idea of the whole country engaging in Community work, locally known as Umuganda every last Saturday of the month has earned Rwanda international recognition. Kagame said that he has travelled to different countries across the globe including Japan and the United States of America where authorities commend the concept as a good idea to maintain a clean society. He added that it has now become a trademark for Rwanda earning  her a new face. The President was addressing residents of Kiyovu in Nyarugenge District where he participated in activities  to clean the community at Rugunga.

Sunday, March 29, 2009
President Kagame joined his neighbours in the monthly Umuganda.

NYARUGENGE - President Paul Kagame yesterday revealed that the idea of the whole country engaging in Community work, locally known as Umuganda every last Saturday of the month has earned Rwanda international recognition.

Kagame said that he has travelled to different countries across the globe including Japan and the United States of America where authorities commend the concept as a good idea to maintain a clean society. He added that it has now become a trademark for Rwanda earning  her a new face.

The President was addressing residents of Kiyovu in Nyarugenge District where he participated in activities  to clean the community at Rugunga.

He noted that the concept does not only propagate a clean society but also presents an opportunity for people to join hands to achieve set objectives on top of fostering harmony among residents.

Kagame, alongside the Minister of State for Local Government Christine Nyatanyi, the Mayor of Kigali Dr. Aisa Kirabo Kakira, the Nyarugenge District Mayor Origene Rutayisire and thousands of residents of Kiyovu cleared shrubs and cleaned the area surrounding Rugunga.

Yesterday’s Umuganda, was also used countrywide to prepare for activities to mark the 15th commemoration of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

The President urged Rwandans to work towards changing the country’s image and get Rwanda known for better reasons instead of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi. He added that when people join strengths, a lot can be achieved in regard to development.

Kagame told residents that what the country has achieved through the combined efforts of its people in 15 years remains a surprise to many who thought the country would remain at their mercy.

He observed that they were instead shocked to see a country devastated by a genocide that claimed over 1 million people emerge very fast from the ruins.

The President said that some of the things that can drive this country ahead, such as the community work, can be done by people without the support of donors.

He however urged residents to adopt good customer care values that will compel those visiting Rwanda to comeback or recommend others to also visit.

He told them that they should have a sense of pride and dignity without giving room to mediocrity, where Rwandans consider themselves as inferior to certain groups of people.

On the 15th commemoration of the 1994 Genocide, Kagame said that Rwandans should keep in mind that those who are responsible for planning the Genocide still harbour those sentiments or even deny it and assert that the Genocide never happened.

He noted that the commemoration week is not only an opportunity for the people to remember their loved ones but also for the country to look back and identify what caused the genocide and why it should never happen again.

Kagame added that the memories of what happened in 1994 are part and parcel of the country’s history and it remains a burden for Rwandans to ensure that what happened should never occur again.

He further noted that those who propagated divisions among Rwandans leading to genocide will do anything to force it upon the world that the genocide never took place.

In a related development, the Mayor of Nyarungenge availed to the residents a programme to be followed during the commemoration week to mark 15 years after the Genocide.

This year’s celebration will be held at Nyanza, Kicukiro District under the theme "Let us commemorate Genocide against the Tutsi while fighting genocide revisionism”.
