On the grapevine

Cadillac VIP wing to open after the commemoration week Word reaching us is that Cadillac Night Club is soon opening its state-of-the-art VIP section. The club’s owner Cobra is said to be planning to make Cadillac the best discotheque in the country with all the trappings of a modern night club and this will be soon.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Cadillac VIP wing to open after the commemoration week

Word reaching us is that Cadillac Night Club is soon opening its state-of-the-art VIP section. The club’s owner Cobra is said to be planning to make Cadillac the best discotheque in the country with all the trappings of a modern night club and this will be soon.

We have also heard that that the mogul has already hired professional DJs and has improved the interiors of both the new Cadillac VIP and the old Cadillac. According to an insider, Cobra bought new rugs and is working on the interior decor of the club.

Scouts have discovered that the VIP area which has been under reconstruction for the past eight months will be officially launched after the 15th commemoration week of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, which is scheduled to start on April 7.

MC Monday back on track

He was off and now back on the scene. Word on the streets has it that MC Monday is set to "explode” his music career after a long...long time of absence.

Ironically, or just plain oddly, the star who has been undercover after he was booted out from the local music industry following the release of his controversial song "Inyoni yaridunze,” has now surfaced and is set to rock fans with new and ‘respectable’ tracks.

We can now reveal that he has been busy plotting a new style that will see him go international. It is rumoured that the star has greatly improved on his wardrobe to fit in the Celeb world.

He was recently spotted ‘sunbathing’ at the Kigali Serena poolside, clad in seemingly expensive designer jeans, heavy blings and huge shades.

Scouts have discovered that the MC, who until a few months back used to work for Radio 10, is on the look out for the best producer in the region.

Hope this is not meant to traumatize any of his rivals, who have probably been praying harder for him to quit his career for good.

Kitoko pleads with fans  

Latest on our grapevine is that of our own musician Patrick Kitoko, who is recovering from the despair he has been in after he was allegedly accused to have offended the speech impaired people.

According to scouts, the troubled superstar was recently asked to answer a few questions regarding his ‘intentions’ about his hit song ‘Ikiragi’, (the dumb), which had quickly gained prominence on the local radio stations.

However, as the adage goes, ‘Mistake is the best teacher.’ This seems to be working-out perfectly for the 24-year-old star.

We hear that he has been secretly apologizing to his already disappointed fans and promising them that he has changed, though insists that he never meant to offend anyone.
