Rayon Sports starts nationwide fan registration campaign
Friday, February 26, 2021

Rayon Sports have kicked off a nationwide fan registration process that intends to inform the club about the accurate data of the club’s fan base.

Fans of the Blues will have to register their names and their current district of residence and automatically become an official fan of the Blues.

Registration will be done through a mobile short code *702# which will direct the fan to a form to fill in his/her names and district of residence respectively.

Every fan will be required to pay a registration fee of three hundred Rwanda Francs (Rwf300) and will get a fan ID number renewable every season.

Every club supporter with a fan ID number will have access to real time club updates, communiques, valuable information about the team’s daily activities and future services that will be offered by the club.

This is the first phase of registration targeting fans in Rwanda. The second phase targeting fans in the diaspora will be done soon, according to the club management.

Jean-Fidèle Uwayezu, the president of the fans club urged all fans to register so that they can help the club solve their financial problems.

Rayon Sports was established in 1965 and got legal status in 1968, since then they have won 34 trophies in total.