Beeping; irritating

If your cell phone takes a whole day without being beeped (a short ring by someone who probably has no money to call), you are lucky; maybe it’s not your habit too. The question against beeping is its impact to the person whose cell phone is beeped.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

If your cell phone takes a whole day without being beeped (a short ring by someone who probably has no money to call), you are lucky; maybe it’s not your habit too.

The question against beeping is its impact to the person whose cell phone is beeped. People have different feelings and perceptions at the practice, although others beep with a sound reason.

However, when a person beeps on another person’s cell phone, he who is beeped will be attracted to the phone. The response to that beep will depend on how the person beeped has perceived it.

Sometimes he or she will call though others may not. Understanding the impact of the beep is not easy, if those beeped do not complain in the open.

Benson, working with Simba super market in town, said that he’s mostly beeped by girls. He explains that they often beep when there is something wrong.

"Whenever I promise them something, they beep to remind me of what I promised,” he said, adding that he is used to just making promises whenever they make demands beyond his ability.

Irine, a business lady operating from commercial centre in town, said that beeping is not good at all. She said that when you beep a person, it shows that you are not serious. She defended her statement saying that "If a person is meaning business, he has to show interest in the business.

"Not making a phone call which costs less than Rfw 200 might make you loose a deal of over a million. Beeping might make the other party to opt for a serious person,” she explains.

Alice, a mother of two, said that it depends on who is beeping. Explaining that when her child beeps her, that’s clear and easy to handle.

"I will know these are children who do not have money to call me and they expect me to call them,” she noted. She said that she can never respond to a beep from a working and salaried person.

"Other people develop beeping as a habit. It’s therefore important to ignore them so that they can give up with the habit,” she advised. She explained that such people, even when they have credit in their cell phone, they will beep.

"That is a weakness and I hate such people,” she stressed.
John working with Star Photo studio in town, said that most people associate beeping with ladies. He explained that though they beep, even some men beep.

"Although our ladies beep, even when they have airtime, it depends on the deal at that time,” adding that some men instruct them to beep and when they do, they (men) complain.
"There is no reason to complain when you told her to beep you,” he noted.

Beeping is sometimes on an agreed term, as others make appointments and promise to beep each other when the deal is cut. On the other side, some do it because they do not have credit yet they feel it calls for communication at that time, although some make it a habit.

Whatever your perception might be, beeping seems here to stay. Just deal with it. But like Alice says, just ignore the beeper so that they might get out of the habit. Unless it’s a child.
