100,000 volunteers deployed to polling stations across the country
Saturday, July 13, 2024
National Electoral Commission volunteers during the parliamentary election in 2018. The commission has this year trained and deployed over 100,000 volunteers to help in the elections. Sam Ngendahimana

The National Electoral Commission (NEC) has trained and deployed over 100,000 volunteers to help make sure the election day goes smoothly. These volunteers will work at different levels, from the provincial to the sectoral level, and they are expected to play a crucial role in the election process.

Provincial level

In each province, NEC deployed three volunteers. One is a coordinator who oversees the elections in the province, while the other two handle logistics, making sure all polling stations have the materials they need.

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Provincial level volunteers are responsible for coordination, as they coordinate with local election offices to ensure all polling places within the province have the necessary materials and support.

They are also in charge of training leaders. Provincial volunteers often lead training sessions for local volunteers, ensuring consistent and thorough understanding of procedures and their roles in elections.

Besides managing the logistics of distributing election materials across the province, these volunteers are also to handle any large-scale issues that may arise on election day.

District level

At the district level, there is a team of three key volunteers, one election coordinator, one logistics officer, and one civic education officer. The election coordinator oversees the entire election process within the district, ensuring that everything runs smoothly and addressing any issues that may arise.

The logistics officer handles all the necessary materials and equipment, making sure they are delivered to the right places on time. This includes ballots, voting booths, and other essential supplies.

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The civic education officer plays a vital role in educating the public. They inform voters about how the election process works, their rights as voters, and the importance of participating in elections. This ensures that every voter is well-informed and confident when they go to cast their ballot.

Sector level

Sector level volunteers arrive early to set up polling stations, ensuring that all equipment is in place and ready for voters, and they help voters navigate the polling place, answer questions, and ensure everyone knows how to cast their ballot.

Volunteers are also in charge of checking voters in, confirming their registration, and providing them with the necessary materials to vote. They also watch for any irregularities or issues that may affect the voting process, ensuring that everything runs smoothly.

Sector level volunteers are also in charge of closing the polls, at the end of the election day, pack up materials, and ensure that all ballots are securely transported for counting.

ALSO READ: NEC dispatches voting materials to polling centres countrywide

"There are over 2,433 polling stations across the country, each site has a coordinator and two assistants. With more than 15,000 polling rooms, each room is managed by five volunteers," said Moise Bukasa, NEC Communication Officer.

"These volunteers work directly with citizens, helping them with regulations and providing any other necessary assistance. These teams handle voter assistance and ensure ballot security in every room,” added Bukasa.

He also highlighted the importance of volunteers in the election process, saying: "Volunteers are essential. Their work helps ensure that elections are fair, transparent, and efficient. From provincial coordinators to sector helpers, every volunteer plays a critical role in making election day successful.”