The Touch: Sexy in and out

“What if I am involved in an accident?” This is the secret question that lingers in every girl’s mind each time she has to choose her underwear for the day.  Now, personally, I always thought that whoever pulled me from the accident would have more nerve than to check my underwear but this is a thought not so popular among my friends.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

"What if I am involved in an accident?” This is the secret question that lingers in every girl’s mind each time she has to choose her underwear for the day.

Now, personally, I always thought that whoever pulled me from the accident would have more nerve than to check my underwear but this is a thought not so popular among my friends.

We all have opinions on what should determine your underwear pick but we need to hit consensus on the fact that underwear is as important as any other clothing item.

Inner garments are designed to make one look pretty and sexy when worn. For people who want to impress a partner, choosing presentable and sexy lingerie is important but not always obvious.

It has been said that underwear can tell a lot about a person. I have always wondered then what can be said about someone who chooses mama panties as their favorite pair.

Underwear choice calls for diversity because it’s so easy to be stuck in plain cotton ruffs that you have had forever. However, comfortable is always best.

Thong or bikini briefs look good and are great to wear under a tight dress or trousers. Jeans work with almost all types of underwear. Boy shorts work best under sporty skirts and shorts.

The key is to find the balance between sexy and comfortable. Underwear is the closest garment to your skin and it needs to lay right and not nag all day long. Size is of course important. Some fashions require one to go a size higher to get that perfect fit.

Panties have a range of colours and makes. Therefore, one will always be able to find one that matches their taste and preference.

When choosing the right material for underwear, cotton is the most comfortable and has great elasticity to maintain its size even after washing.

Satin and silk are flashy and classy. They cost more but they always feel great and are comfortable. Lace always works for that busy day at work or a great night out.

Underwear holds the secret to feeling great and confident no matter what you are wearing over them. How? You may ask since no one can really see them.

Well, just knowing what you have underneath those jeans can give you a confidence boost to last all thorough the day. Some people are drawn by other people’s perceptions on underwear which should not be the case.

Underwear should be the one thing no one else can choose for you. They might try but you only can know what you feel most comfortable with.
