The secret life of...Dady de Maximo

Dady de Maximo is a professional designer, and has participated in many international designing competitions. He has three African Collection Awards. Dady is soon releasing a book and documentary titled, ‘By the Short Cut’. Check out some of his secrets:

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Dady de Maximo is a professional designer, and has participated in many international designing competitions. He has three African Collection Awards. Dady is soon releasing a book and documentary titled, ‘By the Short Cut’. Check out some of his secrets:

How was your life as a child?

I was very stubborn, but brilliant and curious in many things.

What do you like doing most?

Helping the needy. And in case I’m not in position to help such people, it breaks my heart and I feel troubled.

What consoles you when you are depressed?

I look for someone who is more troubled than me and we share our grievances.

What are your hobbies?

Cooking and socialising. Often, I invite friends home and cook them their favourite dishes. I hate being lonely!

What is the craziest thing you have ever done?

One time, when I was still a kid, I forced my parents to leave their house. They had beaten me because I had forced my young brother to pass through the window to steal yellow bananas from the kitchen.

Who is your role model?

It’s a big list, but the main ones are: President Paul Kagame, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King.

If granted one wish, what would it be?

Working with President Paul Kagame, at least for two days! I think we have something in common, he loves the country and so do I. He is focused and determined, and if I’m not mistaken, Mr Kagame is among a few leaders who can sacrifice their lives for their country.

Your most embarrassing moment?

Recently, when I was in Europe, I knocked into a mirror-like entrance, due to my eye sight difficulties.

Your motto?

Loving and worshiping God. Loving and working for our country, but also respect all human beings.

Your earliest memory…

The 1994 Rwanda Genocide, and 1998, during the tragic incident of the Nyange bus ambush by the Interahamwe militias.

How can you describe your life?

Sad. My life is full of sorrows.
